Truth Abides

Currently I am trying to seek truth…all the time.  Shouldn’t I have been doing this anyways?  Yes…for sure.  I feel Satan is really on the attack for my joy…and that just can’t happen 🙂  I’m tired of being sad and down and defeated feeling, so TRUTH is what I am after.  I have actually only been to church, ummm, maybe 3 times since my mom died.  I know, I know, but it’s just kind of hard for me to go, but I went yesterday and one of the main points from scripture was that ‘truth abides’ and it abides in me.  I knew that, but sometimes you need a reminder.  I’m digging this reminder.

I know some people are super tired of me being closed for new orders, but I have to say, it is so nice to create, just for creating’s sake 🙂  This 10×10 canvas may go up for sale…not real sure yet though…I may need to keep it as a reminder.

In other random news…we enjoyed Dodges Chicken wings for the super bowl last night.  In my personal wing opinion, Dodge’s wings are right up there with any rival wing maker.  They are beyond spicy and yummy.

Ashley my dearest, dear friend sent the kids some handcuffs.  Needless to say, they so enjoy them.  I like that I can slow them down for just a bit with them 🙂

I have been practicing my doodling…yes, that is correct…I do practice my doodles.  Harper wanted to make hearts today, so I got in some extra practice time 🙂

The game of memory is by far my favorite family game.  Everyone plays really well, but Sol seems to trump us all EVERY.TIME.  The boy is definitely an observer.

Harper enjoys leaving us cards and notes under our pillows or on our bedside tables.  This was on Josh’s.  I adore her.

This morning I found these three wee Kelley’s hiding away ‘making cookies’ on our IPad.  Technology is quite amazing and the fact that small kiddos can figure it all out is pretty crazy too.

Hope everyone has a great week.  I have several canvas ideas swirling around in my head, so I’m anxious to see what this week will hold.  Have a great Monday!


  1. Vicki Christiansen says:

    Well, as soon as you open up for orders again, I’m placing one!

    Take your time, though. We all understand!

    I joke that my niece will be going to Kindergarten with an iPad. But I’m starting to think that is going to really happen.

  2. My first thought every time I read a post is “what a great family!” Everything about your pictures and stories just shouts that you are a great mom with awesome kids who are good brothers and sisters to each other. That’s the truth that comes through to me each time I visit here, and I’d say it’s a pretty good one.

  3. Trisha LeMarbre says:

    I love reading your blog — the highlight of my FB time. I must tell you that part of it is my selfish side wanting to hear you are taking orders again. But the other part is purely that I want to know that you are healing — ever so slowly, but finding that God’s strength is enough. Love you Laura! Your mom was sooo proud of you!!!

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