Today Was…

full of card writing,

wee Kelley bathing,

cupcake making,

lunch with friends eating,

bathroom drawer cleaning,

hopeful thinking,

boys only sleepover packing,

Harper time enjoying,

pedicure getting,

art making,

dinner for 3 ordering,

and ice cream eating.

It was a good, full, fun day.

Happy Friday!


  1. AUNT PEGGIE says:

    Good for you…I just love reading your posts. They are always so sweet…and I especially love all the pictures you post.

  2. What a fun day! Praying for you as you wait!

  3. Marianna says:

    What was the art piece you made with the vintage-looking travel brochures or printouts? I love the look + want to incorporate more of that look into my house.

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