Thoughts On A Tuesday

You guys are cracking me up.  So “glad” there are more parents out there who let their kids go days with unattended broken bones.  We should start a club.

And your words are too sweet.  I hope you know I don’t really think we’re like terrible, terrible parents.  I tell these real life stories of parenting because they’re too funny not to share and I know there has to be someone else out there who can relate.  I hope you know I’m not fishing for “you’re a good parent” comments, but they are too kind 🙂 …that’s for sure.

So Sol is not a fan of the boot.  His exact words this morning as we were leaving for school, “I hate this boot like I hate the devil.”  I love this kid.  There is never any wondering as to how he’s feeling…except when he breaks a bone.  He’s quite bummed about the no running and jumping.  It’s fair to say we can add “the boot” to Sol’s list of things he loathes…like having his hair picked out and bread crust.

Today happiness was walking through Target eating popcorn and not having to share.  Amon even slept through the first part of my happy Target time, but then woke up.  And I did give him a few teeny tiny morsels of popcorn, one of which just got stuck to his lip.

The Mother’s Day card section at Target may have almost sent me over the edge.  I did tear up as I looked through all the cards trying to find the perfect one for Mom.  Yes, I am the person who buys their dead mom cards and leaves them on her grave like in a sappy made-for-TV movie, only to really know that after a few weeks or even just days one of the cemetery grounds crew people are just going to throw it away.  I just can’t help myself.

Finished up my 50 miles for April, plus a bit of overage.  Still trying to decide what May’s goal will be…I’m thinking of going high to see if I can really push it.  I can’t decide if this is wise or just stupid.

Hobby Lobby fabrics + cute baby = cute overload.  Hobby Lobby is one of my happy places.

I’ve decided to make cheesecake for the weekend and mini red velvet cheesecakes.  Already have my baking shopping list ready to go.  And yes, it was just Monday when I came to this decision.  Breaking up with sweets during the week has taken a tole on my mental state.  THIS cheesecake recipe is the best.  Seriously.  Make it now.  Or this weekend.  It’s amazing.

He is the best lunch date.  Gobbles down food like nobody’s business.  He is turning into a food thrower though.  And he’s got quite the arm.  Geesh.

I’m trying to plan out some up and coming posts.  I’ve had a few requests to see quilts we have and lots of questions about how to support a newly adopting family.  I’m working on those and a few others.  Anything else you want to read about?  I always could use some ideas.

Hope your day is amazing.  Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I would love to hear more about your tattoos.

    I would also love to hear about your decision to only eat sweets on the weekend. I need some kind of change to my diet (re: sweets) but I kinduv feel like it needs to be all or nothing. I think if I did the weekend thing I would eat nothing but chocolate for those two days!

  2. I’d love to know how you guys handle being a transracial family. Do you live in a community where this is common? We just adopted and I feel like when we’re out, people stare at me like I have a baby kangaroo in my arms instead of the cutest baby girl in the world!

  3. I love reading anything and everything you write about, so I’m cool! Maybe taking Sol to pick out some really cool stickers to decorate his boot would make him endure wearing it! Or puffy paints! Rock That Boot, Sweet Sol!

  4. Marianna says:

    I have just fairly recently discovered the awesomeness that is Target popcorn! Aaaahhhh so salty, so fake buttery. So good for so cheap.

    I recently picked out fabric for my soon-to-arrive little girl’s room that is in the same fabric family as what I see in your Hobby Lobby cart!

  5. i still want a house tour. i always see stuff in the background of your pictures that are interesting.

  6. I would be interested in hearing ways to cut costs and afford a family of 6, if that is not too personal. My husband and I have two boys and want to try for a third child at the end of the summer. We want to adopt a fourth child and are willing to fund raise for the adoption but are not sure we could afford raising four children in our little house when I work in social services.

  7. I’d love to hear how you make your art pieces! They are awesome 🙂

  8. I would love a post about how you started running and how you stay motivated to do it with 4 kids. Ps I love reading your blog!

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