Thoughts After Midnight

*This guy just came down the stairs not feeling his best.  The conversation went like this-

Hudson (with his very serious furrowed brow he was born with):  My belly hurts and my legs hurt like they’re broken.

Me:  Are you going to throw up?

Hudson:  Well I sure hope not.

Me:  I think you have growing pains.

Hudson:  What are growing pains?

Me:  They are pains in your legs you get when you’re a kid from getting bigger and taller…because you are growing.

Hudson:  Did you know when you have a ‘teen’ in your age that means you’re a teenager?

Me:  Yes.  When you turn thirteen I’ll just die.  And be the saddest lady in the world.

Hudson:  *Smile cracks and furrowed brow dissipates*

And now he’s laying beside me and I think I’ll let him stay for a bit.  In his defense I wasn’t even in bed yet when he came down and he never gets up…easily the best sleeper and we actually have a house full…minus the small toddler child who now has a phobia of snakes being in his bed…can’t imagine WHY or HOW that happened…cough cough…I’m not laughing now…I’m sure I’ll see him in a bit.

*I may have spent the last 30 minutes searching our house over for my 2 brand new black flair pens.  They are my absolute favorite and immediately when I buy a new pack they are gone…poof…into thin air.  I might have even gotten super flustered when searching.  I finally found one in the floor of my office under a pile of pretty paper.  This is a real problem people.

*I forgot to tell you, but our one bathtub in our house stopped holding water a while back.  These are the important things.  And then on my birthday it started holding water again.  I told Josh Kelley it was a birthday miracle.  Amon then preceded to say to himself “Happy day meercle”.  We liked that.

*Speaking of Amon talking…he’s doing amazing!  He still has speech twice a week, but both his therapists think come age three he won’t need it anymore.  It makes me a tad weepy.  Early intervention is simply outstanding.

*It was a long day so I made these…crowd pleaser.  Then I ate two, gave one to each Kelley child and cut the rest up and bagged them individually.  Car rider line staff and teachers will have a Happy Tuesday treat in the morning…all Tuesdays deserve s’more bars.

*Sol is the star student this week in his classroom and we had to dig out some baby Solomon pictures to send in.  I die.  For realz.  Smitten to the core.  I mean, come on, look at those little tiny baby teeth.

*Why when our heat comes on in the night it immediately starts wafting around Kelley kid art that’s hanging up which sounds exactly like someone is trying to break into our house and kill us all.  I instantly FREAK OUT!!!!!  Note to self:  Remove hanging kid art tomorrow!

*I’m tired.

*And hungry.  A s’more bar is calling my name.

*Hey remember that time I was a 53 year old mom and Refresh Beauty on Facebook made me look 43?!?!?!?!  Oh and hey Oprah!

Delirium is setting in.  Give me all the sleep now!  I know there were other super important things I was going to convey to you tonight, but this post is about to be renamed “Thoughts After 1 am”.  In the morning I’ll probably find 1000 grammatical errors.

Happy “technically already Tuesday.”


  1. Wendy Ervin says:

    No comments? What?? I found this hilarious and heart warming!

  2. I absolutely love your posts!! 🙂

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