Things That Might Make You Curse

1. Being in Target close to check out when a small child in your care poops their diaper and it commences to leak out the sides when you have zero…yes zero wipes and diapers in your possession.  What to do?  Buy wipes and diapers?  Do your best to clean the kiddo up with bathroom paper towels only to realize Target has exclusively hand dryers only and then contemplate the amount of take-out napkins you have in the glove box of your van?  Or let it leak away pretending like you had no clue, finish check out and head home?  I’ll let you think it over.

2.  Forgetting it was the day you told your daughter and your daughter’s teacher you would bring birthday cookies to her class at lunch to celebrate her birthday.  And only realizing you never even made the cookies nor remembered this birthday appointment until your daughter jumps in the van with a pretty disappointed look on her face.  Possible solution:  Text her teacher and gush about how bad you feel and how you would love to try again.  Then receive the sweetest reply where her teacher admits to a mom fail of her own.  Mothering is hard stuff…we need each other.

3.  Forgetting it was Spring picture day at school, but then remembering you’ve never bought one school picture of any of the Kelley kid’s in all their years of MDO, preschool and regular school so you save the mumbled curse word for a more appropriate matter and give yourself a little fist bump because you really didn’t screw up…yet again.

4.  When your newly 3-year-old talker looks you right in the face during a fake game of Mancala because he clearly doesn’t really know how to play and says, “Hey Mom!!!!  You cheated.”  Nah, just kidding, no cursing.  I just wanted an excuse to tell you Amon accused me of cheating.  It was the cutest thing ever.

5.  When you have to miss a really special night at Rescue One because your boys have a make-up baseball game and your hubs is a coach and there are three remaining children who need to be looked after.  Then God quickly reminds you He doesn’t need you and flat out, it’s not about you either.  So you suck your lip back in, ditch the pity party and enjoy some good little league baseball with the sweetest kids on the planet.  Sometimes I need to take a back row instead of insisting on being front row center.

And 6. When you book 7…read that 7…international flights with an amazing travel agent only to realize after you booked all the flights you never noticed, not once in all the 5000 reviews of these dang tickets, that you were returning on the wrong date.

This is where I will absolutely plug my new most recommended travel agent Jeff Lemmonds with Adoption Airfare.  Dude was the nicest and the kindest and got all our tickets together and for a cheaper price than I found anywhere else and then after repeatedly asking me to check tickets over and over and over again…I then approved the wrong dates…and then had to tell him I messed up!  Talk about cursing.  Geez.  I felt horrible and it was absolutely all my fault.  Every bit of it.  Even the wrong dates to begin with.

And do you know what Jeff did…well, he made me cry because he was the nicest and the kindest and the most gracious about it all and then fixed all our tickets with zero fees.  You guys, people like Jeff are rare and working with him was a pleasure.  Other than me approving international plane tickets a million times over which were for the wrong dates, it was a fantastic experience.  I clearly am not meant to lead a team to Swaziland and Jeff is a rockstar.  If you need some flights, save yourself a lot of hassle and just call Jeff!

Happy Thursday people!  Tomorrow is Friday and that is a very good thing!

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