The Start of 2012 + KeyFob Giveaway

Well it’s officially here…2012.  We brought in the new year pretty low key.

Josh and I enjoyed Chinese, TV reruns and watched the ball drop at midnight.

The boys apparently partied pretty hard when they were suppose to be sleeping.  This was how I found them before going to bed…a bit after the new year.

How about some 2012 randomness…

I finally got busy hanging art up our stair wall.  Most of these pieces are from my Mom’s house and most of the artists are my Aunt Dorothy, my cousin Mike Steele, my Mom, Josh and myself.  This makes my heart swell.

I needed to read this.  Like really, really, really needed to read this.

+ I dig Josh’s handwriting.

This is for my Aunt Linda, Aunt Peggy and cousin Cheryl.

There may have been a pretty heavy debate over Christmas about if Neufchatel cheese and 1/3 less fat were the same cheese or in fact different.  Looks like younger minds prevailed with the fact, that yes, they are in fact different and even come in bars and not just tubs.  Yes, our family is a bit on the odd side, but wouldn’t have it any other way.

Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with Play-Doh?

I love it because it’s so fun and squishy and my kids LOVE it even more.  They will play for a long, long time.

I hate the insane amount of tiny pieces of play-doh that are absolutely covering the floor and table when we are done.  I did in fact sweep all of this off our floor after this morning’s play-doh session.

I like the only lonely grape.

Homegoods, Ross’ and TJ Maxx may in fact be a little piece of heaven on earth.  I know everyone is instagramming it up these days, but since I don’t have an iPhone, this is my Verizon LGgram…smart phone it is not.  They aren’t that different from my regular pics…give me points for trying to be tech savy while out without my camera.

And I won’t even admit to how long it took me to get these pictures off my phone.  It was sad…like real sad.

And I have officially set my goals for 2012.  Some, but not limited to…

* Daily Devotion (love my Jesus Calling).

* Aim for 4 date nights a month with Josh.

* Individual dates with our kiddos…each kiddo gets at least one a month.

* Run another 1/2 marathon.

* Keep running.

* Drink more water.

* Eat less sweets.

* Do lots of good things with our money.  Bless others like crazy.

* Be more patient with kiddos…no raising my voice…aka no yelling.

* Build a well at our Swaziland Carepoint, Ngungwane in Mom’s honor.

* Do one planned craft with the wee Kelley’s every week.

* Get more sleep.

* Go to Africa at least twice.

* Be an encourager to others.

* Heal.

* Bring our sweet boy home.

I’ll let you know how it goes.  So what are your goals or resolutions for 2012?

Leave a comment with one of your goals or resolutions and I’ll use Random Generator to pick a winner.  Winner gets a custom key fob with their choice of fabric and text and one to share with a friend. 

Happy 2012.

Giveaway ends tomorrow night, Wednesday, January 4th at midnight.


  1. i just LOL for REAL at your lonely grape. number one on my list: live freely. xoxo.

  2. One of my goals for 2012 is to find a way to stay at home with my two daughters for the whole next school year (I’m a first grade teacher on maternity leave for the rest of this school year). We are going to have to cut a lot of corners if we want to pull it off, but it’s oh so worth it!!!

  3. My one goal is to go back to Haiti…it’s been 4 years since the last time

  4. As cliche as it is- I just want to continue in my weight loss. I lost 65 pounds in 2010 and 2011 and want to hit my goal weight this year. This entails consistent RUNNING!!

    Also, my word for this year is RESPONSIBILITY. Responsibility in finances, with friendships and relationships, etc.

  5. To trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding…Prov 3:5

  6. Randi Blanton says:

    My goal(s)- find a good job that I won’t be miserable working at (we’ve just moved), get our new house in order and all the little problems fixed, and to work on potty training my 21 month old

  7. Jennifer Puckett says:

    Read the Bible all the way through.
    Finish reading Resolution for Women and actually put some of them into practice.
    No texting while driving…ever… in hopes to set an example for my kids when they get older.
    I homeschool, so i am learning the value of planning and not winging it most days. I have it in my head, just need to try and get it out on paper more often.
    Encourage my kids to read more.
    Spend more time with them other than homeschooling time.
    Do yoga everyday.
    Go to bed early. Wake up early.
    More date nights with my husband.
    More one-on-one time out with my kids.
    Be more patient and have a peaceful heart.
    Pay off student loans. Husband finished school later in life 🙂 I know this probably won’t happen this year but stay focused to send in a little extra….
    Pick up a craft/hobby and make time for it.

  8. Some of my resolutions are: eat healthier, cont to reduce our debt, read the Bible through and (not really in my control) get a referral for a sibling group before the end of the year!

  9. I resolve to stop being involved in gossip!

  10. Continue the weight loss I began in November (so far, 22 lbs) and run a 5k race in June and August. Happy 2012!!

  11. My goal for 2012 is to love with all my heart. After a very close friend and his best friend were hit by a drunk driver while walking downtown and his best friend passed away before Christmas I have decided that life is too short to not let everyone I know that I love them with my whole heart.

  12. Cindy Bean says:

    One of my goals for 2012 is to spend more time in God’s Word!

  13. I am going to try to read thru my bible this year and complete a daily devotional that goes along with the bible reading plan.

  14. I have an extremely challenging class this school year and my goal is to be more patient and understanding with each of my students.

  15. One of my goals is to pray purposefully for each family member and friend I have. I love your key fob. I’m gonna order it if I don’t win. Have a blessed year.

  16. Have a heart of gratitide

  17. Last year was my 1st time to make a New Years Resolution. I ran the Muic City 1/2 Maraton ( You probably ran past me hehehe I’m slow but I crossed the finish line with my mom right next to me). This year I can’t run because I am due with baby # 2 the day after the race. So I plan on running the Rotary Freedom 5k on July 4th. Drink more water instead of coke, and actually clean up the living room and kitchen before going to bed. Happy 2012 🙂

  18. Have a family devotion regulary and PRAY more often!

  19. I want to read the Bible in 90 days. I am 2 days in and 2/2. With an 11 month old I really pray that this will get me to 1. read the Bible more often and 2. learn how to make time for it everyday even when I am finished.

  20. My one and only goal this year is to bring my sweet boy home from Ethiopia without going looney tunes in the process!

  21. One of my goals for this year is to not sweat the small stuff and take in the little things that may come my way!

  22. I generally don’t do resolutions for New Year’s; but, an overall goal I always have is to be organized.

  23. Love reading your blog! so great, and happy new year! 🙂

  24. I want to get organized! I’m a live in the moment kind of person and I feel like i miss out on so much because I’m not organized enough to make things happen. I love that you are scheduling weekly art projects!

  25. I want to get organized! I feel like I miss out on so much or forget to do things Because I just don’t have it together. I’m making to do List and making thing happen in 2012! I love your scheduled weekly art projects with your kiddos!

  26. Cassie Kriete says:

    One of my goals is to be part of a flash mob 🙂

  27. My resolution is to be better (in all aspects– health, attitude, finances, marriage, walk with Christ, etc.) by the end of 2012 than I am at the start of it.

  28. Cathy Thomas says:

    My goal word for 2012 is “stewardship” – to be a MUCH better steward of everything God has blessed me with. This includes nourishing my relationship with Him and others, taking better care of my home and myself, and better management of our money. Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂

  29. Amanda Means says:

    SO many things. Pray more, eat less. Get organized, purge out the things we no longer need. Be a role model to my 4 daughters. Be a patient and loving wife. Cook more, spend less. The list goes on and on. But have high hopes for 2012!!

  30. Candy Foster says:

    I resolve to live life joyfully and to trust in God’s plan for me and my family!

  31. I’m resolving to ‘live in the day’ more. Not only looking forward to what’s ahead…enjoying the NOW that I’m blessed with.

  32. Well we resolved to do more Random Acts of Kindness, we loved reading your blog every day to see what the kids were up too. I have 4 kids and whined about taking them all out, then I saw your blog with the kiddos every day. I got inspired. Our first one, a Starbucks gift card to someone walking in the store. He looked a bit scared with my kids chasing after him, but smiled big and said thank you! Also, I want to get my pet project Suitcase of Love off the ground, outfitting every child in the foster care system with a suitcase so when they leave their possessions aren’t in trash bags.

  33. One of my resolutions is to write more encouraging notes. There is a woman in our church who head up a whole ministry related to just card-writing. Her cards bless me a lot and I want to do that more for others.

  34. Patty Taul says:

    I do need to get re-focused on my walk with God. The last three months have been a bit difficult. 2011 was a wonderful year though. My daughter and her husband adopted the most precious little boy. He is such a blessing to our entire family!
    It is a New Year and I need to make a new me! More daily devotionals. More time with God.

  35. Erin Harper says:

    More time with God is on my list for this year! I will not call it a resolution, because I have never followed through with any of them from the past, oh, lets say, NEVER 🙂 Love your stuff!! 🙂

  36. Amanda Powell says:

    I’m going to read through the bible and start running again…maybe do another 1/2 marathon!

  37. Amney Peters says:

    Practicing patience with myself and my kids! To go to church more often, and to make the little things in life count more!

  38. My goal is to keep Christ first … to love and give generously in all things!

  39. I also want to be better about doing my daily devotion. Life gets so crazy that sometimes I miss out on time with Jesus, but in reality the days might seem less crazy if I start them off grounded in Him.

  40. Sarah Justiss says:

    Be more active in my Bible studies and in my prayer life, and cut back on carbonation, more water! (:

  41. my only resolve is just to try to be a better person. Not to complain as much, not to gossip as much, just to revel in wonder at the days we are given.

  42. I am trying to live and love more in the moment 🙂

  43. I don’t really do NY resolutions, but I do plan to be more aware of my blessings- and not take the breautiful things and people in my life for granted.

  44. Read through the whole Bible.
    Get to Africa at least once.
    Raise enough money for our second water well in Kenya. The first is being installed tomorrow!
    Appreciate the everyday, homeschooling life with my five kiddos.
    Remember to take time for myself.

  45. briannegriggs says:

    My goal is TENDERNESS and LOVE. I am even getting it tattooed! I need both in all areas of my life. Kids, spouse, crabby sales clerk…you get the idea. Tenderness and love

  46. One of my resolutions is to keep my house cleaned and organized. With a 1 1/2 year old that seems hard at times. So I have made a calender for myself of things to do each day so it won’t get piled up over time. Brittney Newman

  47. Donette Yates says:

    My main goal for 2012 is to finally finish School so I get make a better life for my son and I!!!

  48. Two of my 2012 goals: Memorize 24 Bible verses and read 24 books. 🙂

  49. My Resolution is to stop biting my nails, keep a positive outlook, to Zumba at least three nights a week every week, and get 4.0’s in all three semesters of college this year.

  50. Lynn Evers says:

    I don’t make resolutions anymore. My goal for this year is to become more active in my church and grow in Christ.

  51. I love your resolution list. Those are some great ones. I just started running last year and would love to complete my first 25K in 2012.

  52. lauren lewis says:

    I love your resolution list…it inspired me on mine!
    1. See more beauty in the world.
    2. Exercise 3x a week.
    3. Start the morning on my knees.
    4. Go on a crazy, totally unlike me, adventure.
    5. Be less afraid to love more.

    Hoping for much in 2012!

  53. my goal is to blog more…and to work on building some broken relationships.

  54. One of my goals is to finish the Country Music Half Marathon with my dad!

  55. My goal for 2012 is to FULLY rely on God in ALL aspects of my life!

  56. My goal in the year 2012 is to stay organized! 🙂 But, my even bigger goal is to make sure that I am intentional with everyone I come in contact with. I want to be relational with people and make sure I am listening to what God is calling me to do in my relationships with other people.

  57. A goal of mine this year is to fall deeper in love with both God and my husband 🙂

  58. LOVE your goal of going to Africa at least twice—I hope you get to and I hope those trips are for court and for embassy. 🙂 On a similar note, my goal is to go to Haiti at least twice. 😉 I don’t usually do New Year’s Resolution because they cause me to beat myself up a little too much when I don’t reach them. I have a constant list of ‘do betters’ in my head.

  59. Grow in my relationship with my Heavenly Father! To graduate college this May, while being a great wife and mom! And to invest in my marriage and start having regular dates with my husband 🙂

  60. One of our goals is to also GIVE more of our time and money to others. Happy New Year, Laura!

  61. I don’t usually set New Years resolutions. I TRY to keep up on them year round, try being the key word. I am due with my husband and my second child at the end of March and a goal of mine is to have designated time alone with our oldest (18 month old boy) while on maternity leave so he can transition to big brother as well as possible.

  62. Spend early morning quiet time with my Jesus. 🙂

  63. I hope to persuade my hubby to adopt again– child #4.
    I also hope to read daily from His word.

  64. My goal for 2012 is to be a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, and teacher.

  65. Goal: to give generously!
    We were blessed by back to back adoptions in 2010 and 2011, and now it’s time to pay it forward!


  67. Ami Jenkins says:

    To have a successful VBAC with my second baby in may!

  68. One of mine is to stop living in fear. Happy New Year!

  69. Marilyn Gregory says:

    I want (hope to) get my junk gone. I’ve carried it around for years ~ I don’t even know what I have.

  70. I love the key fob – hard not to just choose the one you showed! Resolution for the year: take care of my body better without making excuses!

  71. To give more to others….just because.

  72. My most anticipated goal is to make a return to Bulgaria to pick up our sweet girl!!!!!

  73. Mine for now are to run more and eat less sugar. But those sound pretty silly next to your list! Thankfully, I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions–I just like to make changes to my life whenever, so hopefully this list will be updated frequently throughout the year.

  74. My goal is to end this year more in love with God that I started this year.

  75. spend more time in the WORD. and choose grace over law because that is what Christ does. 🙂

  76. My main resolution is to get my kiddos outside more!

  77. Kara Freeman says:

    Love reading your blog! It’s so inspiring to read how strong your faith is in the midst of your hurt and I sincerely value your honesty and vulnerablity through it all! One of my goals is to be more content in ALL things and to enjoy the gift that God’s blessed me with of being a “stay-at-home momma” and find that joy in all aspects of parenting! Happy New Year. Laura!

  78. Love your things, would love to win.

  79. Amy Lafayette says:

    Reading all the way through the Bible this year! So excited and can’t believe I have never done it before!

  80. June Hutto says:

    I plan on exercising at least 3 days a week. 🙂

  81. First of all….Laura Kelley YELLING????? I would have to hear this to believe it which for the record I don’t! I wish….I had a half of the patience you seem to portray! Not a resolution girl but goals….be more devoted to studying the Bible, random acts of kindness, patience patience patience and if God would open a door to another child I would be pretty thrilled! Praying for your continued healing

  82. Ashley Warren says:

    I am going to read daily devotionals with my kids.

  83. Take our oldest child to Ethiopia for a mission trip. Then take the other three to Ethiopia when they are 14 years old. When we take our youngest, Addia, (who is adopted from Ethiopia), the whole family will go. I can’t think of a better way to shape their hearts before they enter high school. Praying we can do it this summer!!!

  84. My goals for 2012 are to have two vacations – one family vacation (at an all-inclusive) and one week away with just the hubby. We are also striving to expand our family, and making offers on a new house! 🙂

  85. Love your goals, love your stairwell wall and just plain old love your blog. My goal this year is too be intentional. With my time, money, words…. just about everything. Although at least 2 trips to Africa would be a great addition to my list as well 🙂

  86. My goals for 2012 are to improve spiritually, physically, and emotionally. 2011 was a roller coaster ride. I’m ready to be focused in 2012. “…He rewards those who sincerely seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

  87. In the interest of making resolutions I can keep this year I’ve resolved to give birth to two children (I’m 29 weeks pregnant with twins 🙂 and to weigh less at the end of the year than I do at the beginning! But more seriously I want to learn new ways to prioritize time with my husband and children as we enter this new wonderful time in our lives.

  88. one of my goals is to run a full marathon this year!

  89. Blog daily – about Bible verses

  90. Chrissy Vas says:

    To do at least a random act of kindness once a month. LOVED doing it before Christmas, but wanting to do it all year. Thanks for sharing the idea:)

  91. To keep running…with a move to rainy-er climate and away from my running partner, I am anxious about losing my motivation!

  92. Pat Christiansen says:

    Lose weight….a must for my health
    Workout more…once again a must for my health
    Scrapbook more…I have a beautiful granddaughter that needs a scrapbook.
    Pray more.
    Love more
    RAK…atleast once a month and in December the 25 days of advent!

  93. I want to continue losing weight. I started about 5 months ago and I’ve lost 25 lbs so far! I want to reach my goal in the first half of 2012! I also want to get all of my other goals written out on paper so I can keep better track instead of just keeping it in my head.

  94. Jil Blunt says:

    2012… Hard to believe it is here! I have set many a goal but the one I am determined to see through to the end is to run a marathon… Start to finish run it all. First hurdle of signing up complete now just have to train hard and complete wish me luck! ( gonna steal your no yelling one too though, need to enjoy the good times with the boys, no matter how rowdy and noisy 😉 ) Love your blog… And so wish I had a TJ Maxx or anything like it near me. How I miss TN and being home… Thanks for being such an inspiration…

  95. one of my things i am letting go of this year…..hurts. all the hurts that others have intentionally or unintentionally done to me….it weighs me down. preventing me from being who God asks me to be….( still daily praying for you sweet one.)

  96. Jennifer Smith says:

    Resolution: More patience…. in everyday small things…. slow down and not feel so rushed to do everything!

  97. I want to be completely prepared (if that’s really possible) before we grow our family thru adoption again. All of the paper work is in…. so I better get on the ball! I also want to be a better wife and MamaBear! Thanks for the joy and encouragement of your blog! Prayin’ for you and your family! Blessings!

  98. One super goal is to really slow down and learn from the Lord daily.

  99. Kimberly Namken says:

    I am going to try to read through my bible this year and complete a daily devotional.

  100. So many resolutions…daily God Time, simplify, use time wisely, give freely, love deeply.

  101. My resolution is take more time to spend with the Lord and appreciate more of the things He has blessed me with. Such as my sister expecting in March!

  102. my goal is to live simply and live intentionally. I feel thats what the Lord is calling me to this year!

  103. Toni Gipson says:

    My goal for 2012 is to make the best home my family could ever know… physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We are building a new house in a couple of months… my goal is to feel that house with love, understanding, and fun as a family!

  104. A couple of my goals include getting up and ready before Raegan and eating whole foods as often as possible.

  105. Audra Rowell says:

    One of my goals is to spend less time on stupid stuff (Facebook, Word with Friends, etc.) and spend more time with people.

  106. Goal is to start the Nursing Program in Aug 2012. RN hear I come!!!

  107. One of my many resolutions is to be more diligent with my school work! aka go to class more 🙂

  108. Be more consistent with my daily devotions and with exercise. I am off to a good start — hopefully it will keep up in the coming year!

  109. …to communicate the Good News with words and actions.
    …to give hilariously out of a reserve that is never depleted.
    …to be a conduit of the real love and awesome power of God.
    Happy, blessed New Year to you Laura and your sweet family!

  110. I want to read the bible daily and actually make a cleaning schedule and stick to it! Oh, and kiss my sweet husband more. 🙂

  111. My goal is trust in the Lord and to bring our baby girl home from China. We don’t know what she looks like, we don’t know her name, we just know our daughter is there.
    Lamentations 3:25 The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

  112. mine is to try to get more organized and to read my “Jesus Calling” devotional that my grandma peggy gave me. love ya girl!

  113. Tammy Faber says:

    My number one goal is to put more time and effort in to my quiet time. It’s easy to let it slip on busy days and I know my day is always better when I spend more time talking to my Father first!

  114. Laura, one of my goals is to concentrate on one bill, insurance dispute, nagging piece of paperwork, etc. per week until I don’t have any of those left sitting on that negative back burner of my mind!

  115. Heather Kriete says:


  116. Wanda Faye says:

    Read a classic novel with my 6 year old very month… Little House on the Prairie this month:-)

  117. Karin Hancock says:

    I love how you found the boys before going to bed on NYE!! A couple of my goals this year are to spend more time in God’s Word and to be more gentle/patient with my husband and son.

  118. Christie hunter says:

    One of my resolutions is to stop every now and then and count my blessings…it’s easy to get caught up in everything going on everyday!

  119. Commit to using David Allen’s Getting Things Done method consistently.

  120. Ashley Mills says:

    Love the picture of you and Josh kissing! Very cute!
    My resolution is to go on a cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  121. LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! My resolution is to not take things for granted and be appreciative of everything in my life, big and small!

  122. I am hoping to become better organized this year. I have already made a great start by getting rid of a lot of things! Here’s to a great start!

  123. Julie Niblett says:

    I agree with all your goals and I def need to work on not yelling at my tender hearted 8 year old who loves to push all the right buttons. You have terrific goals!!!! And we want to be debt free!!

  124. Melissa Evans says:

    My biggest resolution is to spend more time and energy on my relationship with Christ. 🙂

  125. A huge goal: holding wee ones with an open hand when we get licensed to be foster parents. Loving the with the compassion of Christ!

  126. santos barrientez says:

    My new years resolution is to get back into shape. I miss running without running out of breath after 20 yards. I miss looking into the mirror and not see that spare tire around my middle. I also want to better myself. Which means going back to school and doing something that would make my daughter proud of me. I also want to finish my crafts I have started. I get ideas to do things. Start and never finish. I’m the opposite of a procrastinator. Lol

  127. To bring our daughter home from Ethopia or at the least get closer in the process and secondly to show Grace more often.

  128. Therese Schulle Stokes says:

    One of my goals for 2012 is to be a more attentive wife and mother! I would love to have planned date nights with my hubby and with each of my three boys (Mrs Kelley is a smart lady). I think this is a fabulous trend to start!! Baby #4 is on the way, so I also hope to be more attentive to myself and the well being of my new blessing!

  129. My goal is to have more date nights with my husband – Mommy and Daddy need their time together too!

  130. Love your key fobs almost as much as your artwork!! One of my crafting goals is to sell my products on Happy New Year!

  131. Barbara Elliott says:

    One of my goals this year is to get together with my friends more. Your mom and I constantly said “let’s get together for lunch” and even though we only worked about ONE mile away from each other, we never did do lunch. We tend to take our friendships for granted …… thinking they will always be there. I don’t want to do that any longer. I want to tell my friends I love them and not just with words but with my actions. I miss her………

  132. To make it back to Taiwan.

  133. this year I hope to use my time more wisely, esp as this is my first full year as a stay at home mama

  134. this year I resolve to work out more, to be healthy for my family

  135. Live life purposefully, Give generously, Teach compassionately Encourage consistently, Love with abandon…


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