The End Of Vacation {My Favorites}

Our last day in Florida was a super rainy one.  It consisted of fun things like movies, homemade play dough, yummy treats and lots of play time indoors.  Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom even watched the kiddos while Josh and I went out for a little daytime date…Thanks Nina & Baba!

Some of my favorite moments on this trip consisted of big family meals every night with Nina and Baba.  My Aunt Linda is one awesome cook and she would not take no for an answer.  I loved us all sitting around the table eating together.

All of my aunts cook and they’re not your average cooks either.  A.M.A.Z.I.N.G in the kitchen.  Our family even has their own cookbook.  It’s a treasure, for sure.  I noticed while in my Aunt Linda’s kitchen over several days that she had lots of quirky, odd bowls.  Tons of little weird bowls and I decided I wanted to have odd, quirky bowls as well.  She gave me this little gem to start my collection.  I’m pretty stoked.

Don’t be jealous of my plastic compass ring.

I also liked learning how this was my Aunt Linda’s best towel 🙂

To say that it we had a great time would be a complete understatement.  Thank you Nina and Baba for letting us invade and sick our crazy wee Kelleys on you.  You were too kind to us and we love you tons.

We took the car ride home easy…no rushing, just embraced that yes, we would be in the car for the whole day and yes, we would need to stop about 4 times to go potty.  I thought 4 wasn’t too shabby.

My favorite things about traveling with small Kelley kids were as follows:

Sol’s book reading position and the very concentrated look on his face while reading.

Our middle console contained scissors, tape and balloons.

Harper’s craftiness is not limited by being in the car and strapped in her car seat…you just cannot contain her craftiness.

And the boys will always be boys, no matter where they are.  Monster guys named Roth can take over anywhere…Huddy even went all crafty on Roth’s face.

It was seriously a good, great, grand, wonderful vacation.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Nina & Baba!

And next year, well next year will be even better.  Better than good, great, grand and wonderful.  It will be something along the lines of stupendous and out of this world.  That’s what having your family all together for vacation will do.

Happy Friday!

1 Comment

  1. Laura,
    I can’t wait until next year either. Then there will be 4 little Kelleys running around.
    Thank you for your sweet comments. Loved having you here and especially the kids. So entertaining…:)

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