Taking New Orders

Alright, I am taking new orders.  I won’t be starting any until Monday because I have one order left to complete and a few gifts that need to get done.  Also, I am not limiting the spots to 10 because Josh is about to head out to Swaziland and I am going to have ample time at night after the kids go to bed, so I will just be taking orders until it gets out of control…you guys know how it works.  So email me and let me know if you need something.  And here are a few orders that I have completed lately.

These 2 Africa shirts were ordered by my friend Tracy, who just got home from Ethiopia with their baby boy Nile.  He is such a sweet baby.  Sol and Nile are just 3 months apart and I look forward to them being such close buddies.  Thanks Tracy!

This letter set was ordered by Christine.  She has 3 kiddos and wanted one individual letter set for each child.  Hope they love them and thanks so much Christine.

My sister-in-law Kim ordered these shirts for my nephew Jack.  My brother is WAY into skulls and crossbones, so Kim let me do a skully tee for Jack.  She also wanted a truck shirt and my brother was all about Monster Truck ralleys as a kid, so I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate.  Thanks Kim!

Lastly this is part of an order for my cousin Karen.  She wanted a “n” tee and burp cloth for her new little one Nate.  I also am working on an art piece for Nate that Karen ordered as well.  I will post that in the next few days.  Thanks Karen for your orders.  I’m sure Nate will be a doll in them.

1 Comment

  1. I love all your work. You are so crafty! Hopefully i will be that crafty once I get my machine back and working!!

    I LOVE your names of Jesus boards!!! How much do you charge for them? I’m interested for Christmas gifts.

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