Pumpkin Patch x 2

I’ll go ahead and apologize for the photo dump of fall photos which is about to ensue.  You’ve been warned.

“I’m not gonna lie to you.  This is gonna get kind of weird…two pumpkin patches.”  Name that movie.  Ditch the ‘two pumpkin patches” part, but come on…name that movie.  So funny.  So hilarious.  Hey, if you’re the one who nails it, I’ll mail you a key fob.  Leave a comment with the answer.   Did this just turn into a game?  Ummmm, I think it kind of did.

Okay, so Thursday, Huddy and Sol had a MDO field trip to a local pumpkin patch.  My MIL watched Amon and when I dropped him off my niece Meiya was there.  I decided to high jack her for the day.  The more the merrier.  They had the best time.  Meiya is just 5 weeks older than Huddy…they’re on the trippletish scale 🙂

There were animals and a hayride and pumpkin patch and corn popper jump thing and a giant mountain of tractor tires and a box full of corn and a playground and a fun house.  Too much fall fun was had and I brought back 3 absolutely exhausted Kelley kids.

Then on Friday morning, I loaded all the Kelley kiddos into our van and headed to Memphis to visit my cousins Rebecca and Brian…and their little plethora of kiddos…for the weekend.  Becca had lined up another pumpkin patch visit for that night as well.  You could even rent a campfire site and bring goods to roast.  We enjoyed dinner by the fire…and by enjoyed I really mean I heard more than one of the 6 adults present say, “Whose idea was this anyways?”.  Amon only wanted to throw his whole little self directly into the fire and all the kiddos were wild as bucks.  #funtimes  Despite the craziness and Amon, who is a major fire hazard, we had fun.

Brian and Rebecca let us crash at their house for the weekend which we loved.  Harper needs girl time and Natalie was the perfect girl cousin mate for the weekend.

They fed us and I got to go to Cosco for the first time ever…swoon.  The van got a flat tire and Brian got it fixed for me and vacuumed out our nastylicious floors.  It only sucked like 3 hours out of his day.  Sorry Brian.  Not one complaint from him though.  He made my day.  Rebecca and I stayed up late every night…chatting, conspiring, solving the world’s problems along with our own and drinking some crazy sweet wine from a cowboy boot.

It was a grand weekend.  I’m a bit on the tired/recovery side. Late nights + Me + 4 kids + all sleeping in one room = plum tired.  Does ‘plum tired’ sound southern enough?!?  I think so.

Have a great Tuesday!