6 Tips

#1:  If you spill what some would classify as a lot, of pure vanilla on your laptop computer keys as you are hovering over the computer trying to get a new recipe just right, well, soak it up as best you can with a paper tower and then enjoy how your keys kind of “crunch” when you type for the next few days.

#2:  Make these cookies today!  I may have turned over a slightly more healthy eating leaf, but I still firmly believe baked goods can change the world.  The other night I went in search of a healthy chocolate chip cookie recipe and you guys…wowzers…I found it.  Healthy, totally delicious and I would gladly make a ton of these up to share with the world.  And easy.  Nothing super hard.

And here’s my tip inside a tip:  I let them sit out over night to firm up a bit.  But gooey or firmer, they are totally legit delicious.

#3:  Enjoy a movie night with your kids.  It could quite possibly be ridiculously cute when your smallest toddler child joins your big kids and later you will be really glad you took a picture.

#4: Speaking of that small toddler child who is definitely your busiest, most mischievous child to date…so yeah, when you need to get some work done and your husband is out of town and you’re parenting solo…God bless you single parents our there…truly…give this said toddler some crayons and a packing box and then you can whip out 24 key fobs and 24 name tags for your up-and-coming craft classes in no time flat.  #yourewelcome

#5:  Fill your cookie jar with THESE stat.  Like now.

And #6:  Come to a rockin’ Noonday party at our house next Thursday, March 27 from 6-8.  And if you can’t come then order some goodies online.  A little more information coming soon about what we’re going to try and accomplish with this party.  I would love to see you and hang out and talk and eat and drink and shop and be merry with you!!!!!  I think it is going to be entirely too much fun.  A total jam!  You should come.  Mark your calendars and invite a friend.  The more the merrier.  Send me a message HERE if you want my address.

Hope your weekend was fantastic.  Here’s to a great week.  Happy Monday!