Be Kind

If you have a Pinterest account then you have probably seen printable after printable after printable of this Plato quote.

(I made this one using Red Stamp.)

You really and truly never know what’s going on in another person’s heart or life.  Be kind.  Two little words that can totally change a person’s day.  It’s not always easy to be kind, but how incredibly important and what an amazing way to show someone God’s love…kindness.

This blog and what you read is really just a snippet of our lives.  There is so much…so so much more going on…easy and hard, good and bad, joyful and painful.  Battles.  I choose to share some of the crazy and boring and mundane and joyful parts and some of the battles, but I do keep some things to myself.  Sometimes it’s just because I don’t feel like the world should know every little thing…sometimes it’s out of respect for the people who are on the battle field with me…sometimes it’s because it’s just too much to try and explain or share.

But today God showed our family great favor in a battle we’ve just been pouring our hearts out to Him with.  Asking and praying and petitioning Him for some amazing results.  And honestly, I prayed with lack of confidence because doctor’s said otherwise and tests were reading otherwise.  And God reminded me today that He is always in control and faithful, whether I’m confident or not.  He is God and He is enough.  Today God showed us favor with some little ears that could hear.  And a right ear that just 6 weeks ago could hear nothing.

Today could have gone differently, and you know what, God still would have been His faithful self.  And He would still be good.  And as I drove home from the hospital I thought to myself how this day could have played out way different.  And my mind immediately went to the quote above because kindness stuck in my mind.

The sweet valet guy at the hospital who said, “You are always welcome here.”  Dude could have just pointed me in the right direction and been done, but he went out of his way to speak kind words into my life when only God knew how anxious and stressed and worried my heart was at that very moment.

For close friends and family who took time to pray for this appointment and then celebrate with what I’m deeming a miracle, because I don’t care what you say, God still does miracles…big and small.

For the kind audiologist who patted my back as I absolutely sobbed in the sound proof booth after watching Amon turn his head not only to the left when he heard sound, but to the right as that crazy sweet little right ear took in sound.  That previously, completely unresponsive little right ear was hearing.

And for the kind couple on the elevator who chatted with me and said such nice words about Amon and then held the elevator door so I could get off the elevator with Amon in his stroller before the door closed.

None of those kind things had to happen, but they did and they made my day so much better.  I am thinking hard today about kindness and how we really and truly never know the battle someone is in the middle of or facing…how our kind gesture or deed or words could completely impact their day.  So let’s be kind.  Let’s make that big, important choice to just be kind to others and love with a God sized love.

Happy Thursday.

PS:  Working on my giveaway items…thank you for all the input.  I hope you will love it!

PPS:  Happy Summer!