Toniiiiiiiiiight. To niiight. Too night. Tonight. Tonight.

Anyone else singing Smashing Pumpkins now?  I know my girl Ashley Frost is like, “word-to-the-up” and singing right along.  Okay, so listen up all you local peeps, tonight is the night.  I told you guys about Janet last week (READ HERE) and her amazing zumba class and tonight at 5:30 I’m inviting all of you to the Delmas Long Community Center in Goodlettsville (by the city hall) to get your sweat on.  Class is normally just $3, but tonight, if you’re new to Janet’s class, I’m paying your way.  Free class.  I’ve also got door prizes for the entire class…newbies and oldies.  Check them out.

4×12 “Where you invest your love, you invest your life.” canvas

8×10 “Let all you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14 canvas

9×12 “Be brave, strong and courageous.  Seek adventure and truth.” canvas

And I have 5 key fob sets up for grabs as well.  1 for you and 1 to share.  Or you could keep both…or you could give both away…it’s a very versatile door prize 🙂

I will be waiting for you at the front desk where you check in.  Introduce yourself…I like making new friends…and tell me how excited you are to be trying Janet’s class for the first time and your $3 is on me.  And invite a friend.  Friends make you not as nervous or cautious about trying something new.  They’re comforting when stepping out of your comfort zone, but you’ll be so glad you joined us.  I promise you will have fun and burn calories.  Afterwards you can eat ice cream for dinner…guilt free.  I kid.  Maybe.  And all you regular attenders of Janet’s class…invite someone new.  Strike up that conversation and ask them to join you tonight.

Let’s recap:

Exercise.  Sweat.  Fun.  Friends.  Encouraging women.  Free class.  Canvas and key fob door prizes.  Delmas Long Community Center in Goodlettsville.  5:30pm.  And Janet…sweet, sweet Janet.

Janet did not ask me to do this…no way…I just really dig her and her crazy fun class and all her energy and big love.  I can’t deny it…I love me some Janet.  Can’t wait to see you all there.  The more the merrier.  Let’s pack the gym out and show Janet how much we adore her.

Happy Monday!

Don’t Forget

Just a reminder, I’m inviting all you locals to Janet’s zumba class this Monday evening at 5:30pm.  Class is held at the Delmas Long Community Center in Goodlettsville, right beside city hall.  You should probably go ahead and put your clothes in your car now 🙂  And get on the phone and invite your friends.  If you’re new to class, you will be getting in for free.  FREE is a good thing.  And I’m bringing door prizes to giveaway to the entire class…new people and Janet’s regulars.

It’s going to be so much fun.  Please join us.  Start making plans now.

Happy Saturday!


A few weeks ago I ran lap after lap after lap around the track at our local community center as I watched below an entire gym worth of ladies get their sweat on with Janet in her zumba class.  I wanted to zumba, but was going to have to cut out early so I ran instead.  It was one of those days where I was dragging.  I was tired and not feeling so hot about myself.  I know some of you have those days too.  The ones where Satan is hitting you pretty hard on how you look…your self image.  I totally struggle with this.  In fact, just yesterday afternoon I stood in Brea’s front yard with her and discussed how I feel like I’ve been busting my you know what, but I feel like I have plateaued.  Basically tearing myself down and that’s totally not cool for anyone to do to themselves and completely unfair to your heart as well.

I watched all these ladies from every walk of life, young and old, all shapes and sizes and skin colors as Janet led them in an hour’s worth of fun, encouraging exercise.  Leaving their baggage at the door…their bad day or crappy relationships.  No judgement here.  One hour of woman being woman and building each other up.  When you leave one of Janet’s classes you are drenched in sweat, encouraged and a smile on your face.  Janet makes you feel good.  I watched as she bopped around the gym…whooping and hollering, investing in these women, pouring her time and energy and killer dance moves into all of them, making them feel valued and important and encouraging them to just keep moving…with a giant smile across her face.  She has no agenda, other than to be with these ladies and show them a really fun way to get some exercise.

And as I ran, I started to get all teary and sappy over Janet and what she does for women…what she does for me…so many times a week.  I’ve known Janet for approximately 20 months now.  I went to her class for the very first time just 2 months shy of Mom’s death.  I was in a very rough place and I had emotionally eaten my way through those first few months.  I needed a change not only for my body’s sake, but for my mind as well.  It was nerve racking going in for the first time.  I was new.  I had never taken a zumba class and I wasn’t even sure what it was, but I dragged some friends with me and we were hooked.  Janet rocks it out to loud, hip music and makes you drip sweat…and you like it.

As I continued to run I found myself not only crying like a full blown crazy woman over Janet, but then camping out on why I exercise.  Why do I run and zumba and cross fit…those are my choices of poison 🙂  And I landed on the fact that not only do I do those things for my body, but more importantly for my mind.  They clear my head.  I’ve sent Janet and Todd, my cross fit guy, several cards since Mom died to thank them for the therapy.  It’s like really good sweaty therapy.  It does more for my mind and my heart than I ever imagined.  It makes me feel strong.  I’ve decided I would much rather feel strong than skinny.  And those are good thoughts in my opinion.

As I finished up my run, I knew I couldn’t leave without letting Janet know I appreciated the way she cared for these woman, the way she cared for me.  Once you come to her class, you are no longer a stranger to Janet, she gets to know you.  I love that she calls these women by name.  She is welcoming and brilliant and beautiful.  Class was still going on and as I slipped by I left her a little note to let her know the world needs more Janets…because it is so true…the world does.

Janet holds classes in Goodlettsville at the Delmas Long Community Center on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30pm.  She also does a zumba toning class with small weights at the SWG Studio Stars just across the street at 6:30pm on Monday nights.  And on Saturday mornings you can find her at the dance studio as well at 8am.  Here’s the best part…each of her classes are just $3.  Yep.  $3 dollars.  That’s it.  She’s crazy.  An hour long class for $3.  It’s amazingly awesome.  Did I type $3 enough?!?!

So listen up all you locals.  I want you to experience what I do in Janet’s class.  I want you to feel sweaty and strong.  It doesn’t matter your age or size…Janet brings something to the table for everyone.

Pull out your calenders now and mark this coming Monday, September 9th.  I am inviting you all to Janet’s 5:30pm class at the Delmas Long Community Center in Goodlettsville.  If you’re new and have never tried her class I’m going to pay your way this Monday night.  Class is on me.  And for those of you who already go to Janet’s class, well I’m bringing door prizes for everyone to enter to win.  How about some key fob sets and some art pieces?  I think that sounds pretty fine.

And invite a friend.  If they’re new, they’ll get in free too.  Friends make everything better.  Put your work out clothes in your car…you can change at the community center.  Tell your hubs you’ll be late Monday night because you’re going to go be awesome for an hour.  Give yourself one hour.  You’re totally worth it.

I will be waiting for you at the front desk where you check in.  Look for me.  Here I am if you have no idea what I look like.

Boom.  That’s sexy right there.  Check out my glistening forehead.

Introduce yourself and tell me how excited you are to be trying Janet’s class for the first time and your $3 is on me.  I want to pack the gym out.  I want to show Janet how amazing we think she is.  I want you to get roped in hook, line and sinker because you will love it.  And for anyone, oldie or a newbie, who comes to class on Monday night, don’t forget to enter for the PPA door prize goodies.

Just promise me one thing…do not watch me during class because I am extremely uncoordinated.  You’ve been warned.  I cannot be held responsible for any uncontrollable laughter which occurs.

For you non-locals…gosh, I wish you were local and could join us.  But I hope you will be encouraged too…get sweaty…it doesn’t have to be crazy or intense or long…just get to moving and sweat a bit.  You will be glad you did.  Maybe there’s even a Janet in your area.  And here’s to feeling strong.

Thank you Janet for all you do.  You are truly a beautiful, encouraging force to be reckoned with.  I’m sticking with the fact that the world really could use more Janets.  Whoop, whoop.

Happy Thursday!

PS:  If you have any questions just shoot me a message HERE.