I Spy {Hudson Edition}

FIRST…You guys are crazy.  Crazy, crazy, crazy…in the best way ever.  We’re already over 1K in donations.  And we still have so much time left.  Thank you for all the donating for the tables and chairs for the Ngungwane kiddos.  When I realized we had already met our goal I may have cried.  I’m a total weepy person lately.  God is just so good.  And the world is still full to the brim with kind and generous people.  So let’s keep raising funds.  Let’s give them way more than they ever expected.  Remember, we’re going to send a huge package of over $700 in Noonday goodies to one lucky donator.  Read all the details HERE or scroll down to the post below.

On a different note…My kids are drawers.  Big time.  We can fly through a ream of copy paper like nobody’s business.  The boys especially.  They will draw and draw and draw.  All of their drawings are so interesting, but Hudson’s take the cake.  I took a few moments the other day to look through a pile of  their drawings.  And I cracked up.  Hudson seriously has the craziest, most fun imagination.  I picked out a few of my favorites and asked him about them and for your pure enjoyment I would like to present…I Spy…the Hudson Edition.

Hudson spies with his little eyes:  A man with snake arms, a guy spitting, but it looks more like he’s smoking a bubbly pipe (insert wild little boy laughter here) and an intense battle with lasers & a magic genie.

Hudson spies with his little eyes:  Jaba the Hutt, a battle between Obi Wan & Darth Maul and a guy shooting a canon.  Please note at this point the majority of his people look more, how should I say, phallicy.

Hudson spies with his little eyes:  An octopus man, a guy with a firework gun, two swords in a box and a tiny man who’s sword is too heavy for him to carry.  I may have died with laughter when I figured out who that last guy was.

Hudson spies with his little eyes:  A guy swinging on a rope, two guys trying to blast away on one jet pack and three guards protecting gold.  I would like to note at this point all of Hudson’s people feel the need to always have in their stick arms either a gun, knife, sword or canon.  Every last little person.

Hudson spies with his little eyes:  A fire breathing & fire throwing lizard man and a guy with a smelly magic wand battling a bad guy with his own magic wand…his does not smell though.

What an imagination.  I love it.  Hope you found everything and thanks for playing.

Enjoy the weekend.

Happy Friday.