
It’s 10:30 pm.  The Royals Mets game just ended and Jimmy Falon is coming on.  I just finished making enough food to feed an army in preparation for my Noonday Collection party tomorrow night.  I do hope you’ll join us.  Even if you just want to come eat, laugh, hang out and get a hug…all are welcome!  And if you don’t want to come alone…don’t.  Ask a friend…the more the merrier.  If you can’t make the party and still want to order some goodies you can do that HERE or call your order in tomorrow night.  Either works.  Can’t wait to see everyone…parties are my favorite…especially when we’re coming together to purchase with great purpose.

I have been in full on hustle lately.  In the midst of madness God sat 2 Timothy 2:21 on my heart big time.

“Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing.”

Saturday Josh was coaching his high schoolers in the last Full Count game of the season.  The games are always my favorite.  I love watching the guys play and Josh with his dad & brother coach.  Our kids run wild and our littlest throws endless fits in the grass.  It’s just what we do.  Every game I watch as these high schoolers give high-5s and fist bumps to all our kids, throw ball with Amon and chat with the boys.  There’s something about watching a teen grab one of our boys’ light sabers and then have an epic battle with Hudson in the dug out.  My kids beam.  They are absolutely containers God is using.

I was in Harper’s class helping with an art project and all I could think was how blessed we are by our local school and our teachers.  I’ve been thinking about them a lot this week.  We have damn good teachers.  They are asked to do so much.  They are stressed and overwhelmed and stretched so flippin’ thin and yet they keep showing up and loving on all these precious littles…including ours…and so much more.  They do everything and then are asked to do more.  They are definitely the kind of containers God is using.

I had to grab some groceries today and as I walked through the store I chatted with different employees.  I love our Kroger and not for any other reason other than their sweet employees.  Each time I get to talk with Gayle, Jim, Richard, Kieva, Mandy, Shellie, Derek and so many other amazing people.  I was loading my groceries into my car and I heard Scott say hello.  He was walking in from the parking lot…he works in the meat department…and he grabbed the older lady’s cart next to me while calling her by name and then helped me load the rest of my groceries and then took my cart as well.  Scott is definitely the type of container God is using.

Every time I go to the bank I think about Mom.  It was her home away from home…these were her people.  I go through the drive-thru 10 times out of 10…because…5 kids!  Each and every time I’m greeted by Ms. Linda and Ms. Lisa.  They have known me forever ever ever.  They love me and my kids so well.  They have given our children approximately 4,672 treats and each and every time there are cheers.  It does not get old.  They look up my account number despite me being a very capable 32-year-old who should know her own account number by now.  They shred papers for me.  They order me checks and help me fix my card when going out of the country.  They, along with Brian, basically keep me afloat.  And no matter what they smile and laugh and just make me feel loved.  They are the type of containers God is using.

Over and over again I see these crazy good people just doing what they do…day in and day out, but with such great purpose.  I want to do what they do.  I want to just do my thing, but with such love and care like they do…making people feel like they matter…that they are seen and known and loved.

“Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing.”

Just yes!