32 {Better Than I Planned}

Yesterday was my birthday and originally I was suppose to be over the Atlantic Ocean on my way home from Africa.  This was my plan, but it fell through.  I always wonder when I will learn to plan in pencil.  I think I have the best laid plans and really God does.  One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 55:8-9

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

I think about this verse a lot.  It’s assurance and reassurance and then I’m always shocked and surprised when this happens…when God knows better than myself.  I’m prideful and could use a big dose of humbleness…a lot.  I had grand plans for this years birthday, but God had even grander ones.

On Saturday some friends had a little birthday dinner and it was perfection.  Thoughtful gifts, homemade dinner, drinks and just good honest conversation.  I think honesty and openness is absolutely life giving between women…you quickly realize you are not alone.  Jessica even made homemade lasagna and tres leche’ cake.  Jess is one of the most hospitable people I know.  When you come to her home for an occasion she makes you feel crazy special and loved.  It’s definitely one of her gifts.

I woke up Sunday to a decorated house by Josh Kelley and his 4 helpers…streamers and balloons and Shipley donuts and handmade cards…all my faves.  I got to run and workout with Josh and eat Publix sushi for lunch.  Then a giant asthma attack hit Hudson and an after hours positive strep test put me at home for the rest of the day with 4 kiddos and I had to miss a really special night.

One of Josh’s Full Count high schoolers…this sweet young man who Josh picks up each Sunday for church and sometimes he holds Amon’s hand while they walk through the parking lot…got baptized.  I was so so bummed about missing it, but realized, thanks to Josh Kelley who is humble as humble can be, this wasn’t about me…this was about this sweet boy and his declaration to the world he was a new creation because of Christ.  And I cried my eyes out as pictures blew up my phone and texts like ‘awesome night’ and ‘it was a full crew…lots of tears’ came through.  I’ll hug his neck and tell him how proud we are of him next time I see him.  This was easily the best part about my birthday…God’s grace and mercy and forgiveness transforming one life at a time.

Here’s the thing…my birthday played out exactly as it should…better than I could have planned…minus the asthma attack 🙂  I have a lot to learn and I am a constant work in progress.  God is changing me still…and one thing He teaches me through Josh, by his example, is how being available, willing and humble are so important.  32 is looking quite fine.  I’m thrilled and excited and honored to see what all this year will hold.

Happy Monday!