
One of my New Year’s resolutions was to do a weekly planned craft with the wee Kelleys.  I was getting really good at posting about them & then I got a bit behind and haven’t been posting about them…sorry!  So I wanted to make sure I posted our craft for this week.  We all love and need a bit of sunshine and we decided we needed some suns for inside the house as well.  I have seen versions of this all over Pinterest, but here is the version I used to do when I taught kindergarten.

To start this project we painted hands with orange paint and stamped them on paper.  I did a page for the left hand and a page for the right hand…per wee Kelley.  Then we let them dry.

I cut these out once they were dry and gave them each their own handprint pile.

For the rest of the project you will need…yellow patterned paper traced with a circle, glue, scissors and buttons…lots and lots of fun buttons.

First, the kids cut out their yellow circle.  I traced, they cut.

Next, they glued their handprints to the back of their circle…these are the rays.

You could easily stop here, but I like a little extra jazziness.

Next I put glue all around the outside edge and let them add buttons.

And after they covered the outside edge I added a glue swirl.  Harper may have squealed with excitement…she loves swirls and glue and buttons.  She was in her element.

This is a really great project that works fine motor skills as well.  I loved watching the boys concentrating so hard on lining all their little buttons up just right.

When everyone was finished, we had the most beautiful sunshines.  Seriously, I am completely smitten with these…keepers for sure.

Now to find the perfect place to display them.

And last night I finished up this 8×10 canvas.  I have been on the verge of making something with this verse for so long…and finally, yesterday was the right day to do it.  Oh the explosion of color + the anchor…so glad I finally made my attempt.

Hope you have a grand weekend and thanks so much for reading.

Happy Friday!


  1. I am in love with that sun…will have to steal that idea for sure.

  2. Saw these on the interent and thought you or your boys more to the point might be interested!
    Think of your family when I see anything super hero related now! 🙂

  3. Michelle wray says:

    I saw your adorable super heroes outside today when I was taking my daughter to the sitter. Super cute!!

  4. Love these. I love your idea and I think we are going to start doing a craft a week this summer. Been browsing ideas and checking out the clearance and sales at the arts and crafts stores and Target!

  5. I love your craft posts!

  6. I am in LOVE with that canvas! Let me know when you are ready to sell it to me!!! Love reading your blog! You are stronger than you think!

    Ashley Edwards

  7. very cute craft. i will have to do this with my little.
    i was in the checkout line at joann’s yesterday {in providence} and saw super hero pez dispensers and totally thought of your boys!

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