Stay With Me


It has officially been one week since we received “the call” about our new little baby boy and what a SUPER crazy week it has been.  I have so much to post so bare with me.  First my sister-in-law Jen ordered Africa tees for Cooper, Campbell and herself.  I think they totally rock and I especially LOVE Campbell’s.  Coop joked about them all wearing them on the same day, but I informed him if they do I want them to take a picture so I can post it on my site and one day show our little man.  I love when family jumps on the bandwagon of support.  Thanks so much Jen.

My friend Ashley had been working hard at putting together a 5K walk/run to raise money for a type of cancer called Sarcoma.  Ashley’s boyfriend Frank was diagnosed with Sarcoma and passed away just 18 months later.  Every year Ashley raises money to help support cancer research and this year I volunteered to make shirts for us all to wear and sell.  Shirts are $15 and all of the money goes straight to cancer research.  Check them out.  Love you Ashley.

This next order was placed by Miranda for her new little niece Madeline who is on her way.  Miranda’s sister loves seahorses and Miranda loves mermaids so she had an easy choice there.  Miranda also wanted this a sweet little m for this adorable white waffle blanket.  Thanks Miranda (and Jake) for  your business and support.

On Sunday morning my new little nephew Van was born.  If you know me then you know I am all about some nieces and nephews.  I have been at everyone of their births and pride myself on not missing it.  My only close call was Jack because Josh was out of town and Kim went from like 4 to 10 in literally like 15 minutes (maybe not quite 15 minutes, but you get the point).  Harper and I were pulling into Summit Medical when he arrived.  I still count that as being there.  Anyways here’s the new little man Van.  Pretty cute if I do say so myself.

And lastly for an adoption update:  Our agency has our papers and they are now currently working on scheduling our court date.  We have also been getting a package ready to send to our little guy.  Everything we send has to fit into a gallon ziplock bag.  We wanted to make sure this was something special and meaningful.  So we ended up getting together a cute long sleeved onesie, Mr Kelley got us an Apple romper to send, a blanket that I sewed little guy’s Ethiopian name initial on, a Who Loves Baby? book with our pictures, a giraffe toy that both Harper and Hud have loved and the book Whoever You Are.  About the book–I discovered this book my freshman year of college when I did an author study about Mem Fox.  She is an incredible children’s author and this book is amazing.  We have the book, but wanted to send him his own copy.  If you don’t have this book it is A MUST HAVE FOR EVERY CHILD.  I can barely read it without breaking into tears.  Side note: Target has the paperback for just $3.99.  So thanks for sticking with me and I will have more posts soon for more orders.


  1. These are all so great! Another couple I follow who is adopting sent their little guy a blanket too. They (mom & dad) slept with the blanket for a week to make sure they got their smell on it so he would be some what familiar with it on their “gotcha day”. Just a suggestion 🙂 I hope you all are doing great!

  2. So exciting on the package you are sending! I know he will love it. Can’t wait to meet the little guy!

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