Sparrow Winner + Crafty Recaps

Thanks so much to everyone who entered The Sparrow Fund Giveaway.  I hope you will bookmark THEIR Etsy SHOP and keep them in mind for birthdays and holidays.

And now for the winner…

#76 Brooke Castaneda.

Super congrats Brooke and check your email for a message from me!  And a big thanks to Kelly for sharing with us.

I have been slacking on keeping up with our craft nights…which we decided to sub for our weekly Bible Study for the summer.  Everyone has been so busy, so we decided to venture into summer with a little less on our plates…hence craft night was born.

One of our recent projects were bleach tees.  These are so easy and so fun and really cheap.  All you need is a tee, a bleach pen and a design.  And maybe some freezer paper if you don’t want to free hand your design.  HERE is a great link on how to use freezer paper.

So here’s the quickness of the project.  Pick a tee, make sure something is in between your shirt (like an old magazine) and get to bleaching.  You may have to let the bleach sit for a bit, so the cheaper the tee, the better.  And I have also done this using regular liquid bleach…just mix equal parts water and bleach and I use spray bottles and even paint brushes.

So far for all of our craft nights we have dubbed an “Angry Crafter”…aka…someone who just gets mad at the craftiness going on.  Alissa usually takes the award…were working on her craftiness and feel she will get “Most Improved” by the end of summer.

But not this time…the “Angry Crafter” award went to…drum roll please…Courtney.  Courtney, her bleach pen and her pink tank did not mix well.

All craftiness does not always turn out perfect.  You’ll show that bleach pen next time Court.

Ashley made about a million tees.  She’s our over-achiever.

Alissa did not go all “Angry Crafter” on us that week.  She was pleased as punch with her tee and even modeled for me.

And last night we tackled tshirt headbands and bracelets.

We always have dinner together too.  Believe it or not we had…

that’s right, Cinnamon Roll Pancakes.  I may have a problem.  Do they have rehab for Cinnamon Roll Pancake addicts?  Let’s just re-cap my eating over the past two days…Tuesday night dinner…Cinnamon Roll Pancakes…Wednesday breakfast…Cinnamon Roll Pancakes…Wednesday night dinner…Cinnamon Roll Pancakes…this morning’s breakfast…Cinnamon Roll Pancakes.  Good thing I upped my running this week.  Seriously, they are delicious.  Go now and make them.  Like right now.  Your plate is destined to look like this…

After our breakfast for dinner feast, we set to work making headbands and bracelets out of tshirts.  You can see the tutorial we used HERE.

We used all old tees that we already had.  At one point, we took notice of the long sleeve tees which had been cut much shorter for the project.  Courtney said, “Try that on!”  It made for some good laughs.

You must ignore what looks like someone giving the finger to your right…pictures like this make me laugh.

At one point I looked over and saw Ashley trying to measure out her headband to see if it was long enough…I had to do a re-enactment of her measuring…next time just take it off the magazine Ash.

In the tutorial it used sewing, but we hot glued everything.  Which does always result in someone getting burned which always makes for an Angry Crafter.

These really were a great project and everyone got the hang of them quickly.

And the final results were quite lovely, if I do say so myself.  Definitely a repeat project and not one “Angry Crafter” award was handed out.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Courtney Oldham says:

    This whole post made me seriously laugh out loud!!! I really love craft night!!

  2. I <3 this to the MAX! 🙂

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