Sol’s Gotcha Day

Yesterday was Sol’s Gotcha Day…the day when he was placed in our arms permanently…the day he was officially in our care…the day God had orchestrated so long before he was born or before our family started on that journey to him.  It was simply a beautiful, life changing day that will forever be engraved on our hearts.  The staff at his transition home brought all the kids to the guest house where our entire travel group was staying together and we laughed through tears upon seeing him, as he was dressed in full girl clothing, but you better believe that is an outfit that never will be consigned.

I remember we sat around with our entire group and just soaked up what exactly was taking place.  I fixed him a bottle, we gave him a bath, put him in our favorite pair of PJs that were Huddy’s and introduced him to his blankie and paci…which he is still in love with.

He was the youngest in our travel group and everyone raved at how content, sweet and just plain gorgeous he was.  We even got lots of comments from other Ethiopians about how he looked like our child.  We revelled in it.  It was such a special time with just Josh, Sol and myself.  A time for us to just be with him and him alone…to look at him, smother him with kisses and hugs and snuggles, get to know him, just be with OUR son.  Life has never been the same since and we are forever grateful to God for that fact.  All children joining families through birth or adoption change you and Sol certainly changed our entire family.  We are purely honored to be his parents and feel that it is an insanely amazing blessing to be his mom and dad.  And all of our children LOVE and I say again LOVE each other.  There is just about nothing sweeter than seeing them all interact the way they do everyday.  It’s love in one of the purest forms.

So next weekend we will be celebrating with a small group of friends and family in honor of this oh, so special day.  There may even be an Africa cake in our future…pretty sure I can draw it with my eyes closed by now.  I will post some orders later this evening that are almost complete.  And don’t forget to click here and make a comment over at Little Bit Funky to enter to win a Pitter Patter custom tee and custom key fob. Happy Tuesday!


  1. Kari Petersen says:

    I love the pictures of Sol. Our “Gotcha Day” is coming up on the 27th. Our little girl is just over 15 months and from Ethiopia, too. Anyway, I tried to leave a comment at “LittleBitFunky” for your giveaway, but I couldn’t get it to work. So I thought I’d leave one here instead. You’re so great to do all these giveaways! I’m in love with your stuff. Blessings. Kari

  2. Lindsey says:

    Oh man he’s cute! And they were totally right, in the last picture, he and your hubs DO look similar! So happy for you all! 🙂

  3. LOVE your key fobs! Your kids are beautiful. My second son is also from Ethiopia…he just turned 2 in June and has been home since Feb. My first son is from Guatemala…any chance you could make a key fob with an Africa outline on one side and Guatemala on the other? I’ll email you. 🙂

  4. melanie swan says:

    Your family is simply beautiful. My own heart is being swayed more and more toward adoption, and stories like yours make me so eager to get started! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  5. what beautiful babies!! May God bless your sweet family!

  6. Congratulations on your new addition, he is beautiful!
    Blessings to you and your family!

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