So It Begins

Order making is in full swing.  This camera strap is headed to Jennifer in New Mexico.  Thanks so much Jennifer.


And these key fobs are headed to Jinny in Tennessee .  Thanks so much Jinny.

Sickness has hit the Kelley house.  Sol has the croup so he was home from school with me and Amon all day.  I think he was a little lonely.  I really wanted to completely quarantine him.  Nothing like a contagious awesomeness floating around our house and our little heart dude.

See that little white line on Amon’s incision…How do you feel about exposed stitches…and one that is supposed to be on the inside of his body and has made its way out?  Me, well it makes me nauseous…like gag worthy…I’m weak.

I think I should be Lysoling everything…all day long.  Amon got on board with the super hero craze today.

And apparently I’ve started falling apart as I approach the big 3-0.  I’ve never had to ice a leg/ankle/calf or whatever, ever…now I’m all broken down.  And icing something is pretty hardcore…like it’s not a massage of anything…kind of burns.  Not pleasant.  Any tips for leg injuries?

Tonight I’m working on more orders.  And once I finish up these 10 orders, I’ll re-open some more order spots.  Hope you guys had a great sick & injury free day.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Love seeing your new creations for people again! Did the doctor say it was okay for the stitch to be sticking out? That doesn’t seem right, but I guess it could happen. Bummer about Sol being sick and your leg injury. Keep icing and elevate it.

  2. Thanks to many years of sports, I’ve had to ice my ankle/foot/knee on numerous occasions. Keep it elevated above your heart and frozen peas/corn is best – it conforms to the shape of your ankle. Other than that, the best thing is resting it (which I’m sure is SUPER easy to do with the kiddos). Hope you’re on the mend soon!!

  3. Yikes! That stitch looks like a little worm. I’m weak too! 😉 Love the camera straps. Will buy one, one of these days!

  4. Bethany Bergman says:

    Hey there Laura, after my last C section all of the suture made it’s way out. It does not hurt, and it just kind of means the body is rejecting the foreign material. It also only happens after the incision his healed. Sorry to gross you out even more.

  5. My niece who is 10 had open heart surgery as a newborn (just a couple weeks old). She had TGV. anyways, she had the same thing happen with her stiches! It totally skeeved me out too! I think the dr had to cut it. Ewww.

  6. Cousin Rhonda says:

    If only I were closer….I would gladly take care of that little stitch 🙂

  7. You are scaring me with the ice directly on your skin. Put a cloth between the ice and your leg! Hope that you heal soon and the boy does too!

  8. I want to order some art for Christmas!!!

  9. KriStin Chadwick says:

    The stitch grosses me out too, hit it is normal. I know the doc would agree! And as I am no stranger to ankle, leg and just getting old sucks injuries…keep it elevated, ice it with a kitchen towel wrapped around the ice, and take Tylenol &/or ibuprofen for the pain. It also helps w

    • KriStin Chadwick says:

      Oops…touchy touch screen phone…lol!

      As I was saying, the Tylenol and ibuprofen also helps with the swelling too!

      And the sickness has been in our home too!! Praying Amon stays well!!

  10. I love your post today – the pictures are beautiful. Your kids are just too, too adorable. And Amon – I swear that kid has the prettiest eyes and smile I’ve ever seen.

    I get the queasiness – it makes me gag too. So STOP POSTING THAT STUFF – LOL!

    When you start with orders, I want key fobs – several of them – for gifts for Christmas IF that is possible? If not, I understand completely! I just love, love them a lot.

  11. When I was playing Ultimate Frisbee in college (the only organized sport of my life) I had to ice things too – like someone said already, use a kitchen towel to wrap the ice, and we were always told ‘twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off – repeat as needed’. Either frozen peas or less ice in the bag will let it conform to your leg more, spreading the cooling more evenly.
    Hope Sol gets better fast! (and you too!) 🙂

  12. Hey
    Don’t know if your ankle is still hurting but wanted to mention Arnica. It is natural and you rub it on after you ice. You can get it from the health food store and it is awesome. It is for bruises, strains, sprains. I have used on similar things and along with icing I healed quick. I am a trainer and I don’t have time for injuries haha. Oh yeah and being a mom as well. Worth trying and something that is great to have in your house for the kids. Hope this helps. You can email me if you have any questions about it.

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