Snow Days

Tennessee has received a large, rare amount of snow this year and this = schools closing, no milk, bread or eggs can be found in stores and our “huge” 2-3 inches of snow fall have left us stranded.

Tennesseans tend to over exaggerate a winter “storm” and I must admit, I am one of them.  I love snow days.  I like the excuse to stay home and especially on Tuesday and Thursdays when Harper has her little MDO class.  I don’t love letting her go off on those days and the boys and I really do miss her.  Don’t get me wrong, I love her teachers and her little school and know that it is so good for her to have something just for her, but I still miss my little lass, so I am a big fan of snow days.

Last night we got another “big” downfall of snow and it actually was pretty yucky out.  Josh asked me “How does this weather make you feel?”  My answer, “It makes me want to go buy a bunch of junk food, order a pizza and watch a Redbox movie.”  My view of snow days is very similar to a vacation.  Everyone in their PJs all day long, picnic lunch in the floor while watching a movie and not one thing on the agenda.

This morning is another snow day and here is how Huddy has spent most of his morning.

I had to share these because there are 2 things I really love about these pictures: 1) This shows a part of him being an individual.  Sol and he are basically like twins, they do life together everyday and are each others best friend.  So I look for moments when they are being their own self, not attached to the others hip.  This was one of those moments.  He loves to draw on the Magna Doodle and will sit for quite a bit of time just drawing away.  Sol and Harper would rather do other things, but this is one of Hud’s faves.  And 2) It will remind me years from now, when I have forgotten and Huddy has forgotten, that he always wiped his runny nose with his right arm sleeve and only his right arm sleeve.

I have been getting some things completed during this snowy week and late last week.  This 24×24 Names of Jesus piece was ordered by my cousin Heidi in Dickson, Tn.  Thanks so much Heidi and hope you guys love this.

These key fobs were ordered by Deanna in Washington and my friend Melody in Hendersonville, Tn.  Thanks so much ladies.

These key fobs were ordered by Dawn in Louisiana.  Dawn is a wonderful returning customer.  Thanks so much Dawn.

This 8×10 Names of Jesus was actually ordered by Dawn’s mom, Janice (in Louisiana as well), for Dawn’s birthday.  I was so excited when Janice told me who she was ordering the piece for because I just knew Dawn would be so excited.  Thanks so much Janice.

This next order was placed by Amber in Indiana.  Amber wanted some sweet little taggie blankets and a cute 4×12 birdie bow holder.  Thanks so much Amber and hope everyone loves their gifts.

These two “Mimi” pendants are headed Heather in Wisconsin and Kelly in Hendersonville, Tn.  Thanks so much ladies and hope your Mimi’s love them.

And these sweet initial tees were ordered by Angie in Indiana.  Thanks so much Angie, completely appreciate it.

And hope others are enjoying a snow day today like us Kelleys.  Happy Thursday.




  1. I love the pictures of your kids. Makes me want to just stay in my pj’s and watch movies. Only thing is…we don’t have any snow excuse.

  2. Thank goodness you don’t live in WI! You’d never get anything done! (and you might be kind of chunky from all the junk food…like me) LOL

  3. Courtney Oldham says:

    Pretty sure I did everything you mentioned on my snow day except instead of pizza, I opted for barbecue nachos!!! I’m now cuddled up watching my red box movie…….pure bliss!!!

  4. Grammy Hall says:

    How precious are the children’s pictures. Remember, I need them soon.

  5. totally need the owl shirt! i posted on your fb. i’m doing owl party for my little one turning 1 soon:) are you in h’ville?

    i’m with you on the snow & eating junk thing!

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