Signs Of The Times

We’re all exhausted around the Kelley house.  A weekend long sleepover and a new little one in the mix means we all went extra hard and are now trying to catch up on sleep.  I had all these new and great fitness goals for 2015.  And it was going pretty good until Friday 🙂  I’m choosing to show myself grace now because A) I am wiped out and B) It feels like at this point if everyone makes it through the day alive, we’re all high-fiving each other.  Breakfast and diaper changing and lunches and laundry and emails and blog posts and work and homework and dinner and more laundry and figuring out a new kiddo and scheduling and gathering baby items and cleaning and paperwork and carseat shenanigans and a broken van door and getting everyone in and out of said van with broken door and well, sometimes it feels overwhelming.  I know you all can totally relate.  This is life.

I am about to have a root canal too because a dentist dude jacked my crown up.  I might have sobbed…like embarrassingly sobbed on the phone with the dentist’s office receptionist.  I also missed a doctor’s appointment for Harper.  I feel as if I am batting 0.  On the way out of Bible study the other night Josh Kelley grabbed a honey bun and I grabbed a cream cheese danish…you know the ones…giant, gas station ones.  We both devoured them on the way home at like 9 o’clock at night and all I could think was this is so us right now.  My pants may get tight over the next few weeks, but I’m coming to terms with it.

Did I mention I also hosted my niece Campbell’s 12th birthday this weekend?!?!  First, there is just no way she can be 12!!!  Second, I told you this weekend was crazy town.  Josh’s dad had to come to our house to help transport 7 children to their house while I partied because our van doesn’t seat that many children.  I cleaned and plugged in glue guns just in time for 6 middle school girls to enter our house for a little crafting session.  It was actually the perfect break I needed.  So much fun and they did awesome.


I also finished up a set of key fobs just in time for Whatever Craft Weekend.  Such a pleasure to send them off for such a special weekend.  I hope all the ladies enjoy!

Oh and Friday afternoon Amon got a haircut.  He clearly did not need one and I put myself and sweet Brooke his hairdresser through an agonizing 15-20 minutes of screaming for no reason at all.  He was so pumped about this hair cut saying things like “I hug Book.”  “She not hurt me.”  “I high-five her.”  And then she invited him into her room and dude when nuts, screamed “nooooo” and took off running down the hall.  He then proceeded to scream and cry and say “ow” 5 gajillion times until the hair cut was over and then he decided hair cuts were cool once finished.  It was so relaxing.

And thank you, thank you for all the sweet and kind comments and emails about our new journey as a foster family.  I always feel blessed when you choose to share your stories with me.  You were all too kind and such an encouragement.  Thank you, truly.  May God receive all the glory for His goodness and works.  He is so good.

Happy Tuesday!

1 Comment

  1. So excited for you and your family on this amazing adventure God has planned 🙂 You are such an inspiration. I have always wanted to foster, so I especially love reading about your journey. I will send some extra prayers for your dental journey as well 😉

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