
Our little family is all over the place currently.  Life is just nuts sometimes and I feel like I am scattered in a million different places, but this little dude is home, so I’m good 🙂

PS: He is about to be 5-months-old

I’m still a little beside myself with the fact that I sit in a car rider line now…I CANNOT have a child old enough to be in school…no way…I have a major hate/hate relationship with Time right now.

Harper’s first day was pretty awesome.  She had the best day and I pestered the fire out of her to hear every last little detail.  My favorite Harper quote about her day was, “We all had to wear name tags, but none of us can read.”  This perplexed her 🙂

Best.Grocery.Cart.Ever.  All of this…

is going to turn into all of this.

I’ve declared tomorrow a full on all day bake day.  We’re having a big Block Party/Motorcycle Ride & Car Show at our church Saturday to help raise money for our carepoint, Ngungwane, in Swaziland.  The bake sale is going to be killer.  There will also be a silent auction, free food and lots of family fun.  If you’re local come out and see us on Saturday.  CLICK HERE for more details.

Legos are in full swing at our house.  We’re talking hours of entertainment here.

Harper spends the majority of her days on the floor right beside Amon.  I keep wondering if her wondrous baby love will where off.  I actually think it won’t.

I’m really hoping to re-open for orders soon.  I miss taking orders.  I made this 8×8 canvas for a friend’s daughter who was recently baptized.  I love pieces like this.

It was surreal being at church on Sunday with Amon.  All those Sundays praying for him and begging God to bring him home and there we were…with him sitting right in our laps.  Sweetness & goodness on so many levels.  God is good.

Speaking of sweetness. <3

Now I’m off to take on the day…another big day!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Nutter balls? Please share! 🙂 I copied down the gooey butter cake recipe when you posted it, too. Looking forward to trying that at well. 🙂

    Harper’s comment about the name tags made me laugh. She’s a smart one!

  2. AUNT PEGGIE says:

    Laura…I am so happy for you. What you said about Harper spending so much time with Amon reminds me of Ansley when Nate first came home. It does not wear off…to this day, and he is 3 today, he loves his Sissy/Lulu and she adores him. She is cute as a teenager…when I am there, he wants all her attention. I try to get him involved in something so she can sneak off upstairs to have a little time to herself. But, if he heads up there, she is so very kind and loving to him. They are such a joy as I know Harper and Amon will always be. I love being able to keep up with you, and your precious family, through your blog. It makes my day…Happy Baking!!

  3. rachel wilson says:

    So so happy for you guys. Amon is BEAUTIFUL!!

    Side note: Gooey Butter cake is Stevens FAVORITE and I do not have a recipe for it. could i get that from you? In your spare time. Or direct me to the link.

  4. rachel wilson says:

    Found it! In the clever little search this site bar! Who knew , I hadnt scrolled far enough. Yay!

  5. That Harper line is too funny! She is a VERY smart cookie to deduce that!

  6. I hope you realize how awesome and beautiful you are inside and out. I only know you from reading your blog, but your heart shines through in such a real way. I so relate to your heart for your kids, I have 3 and have adopted as well. May God bless that precious family of yours and continue to heal your heart.

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