
Today I give you a plethora of random Kelley tidbits.

*Little kid hearing tests are just about adorable…big huge headphones and little tiny heads.  I love.

*We dropped a few goodies off this week in some very deserving women’s mailboxes…women who are good…like real good.

*This was part of the aftermath of a Batman party with yellow cupcakes…I dare not even show you my countertop 🙂

*Target popcorn is a must for Kelley movie night.  I thank Dana for letting me in on this wonderful little secret.

*McDonalds made the best move in Happy Meal history…mini fry & mini apples…together…in one Happy Meal.  No more dilemma over whether to get fries or apples and no more siblings having to share.  I thanked the McDonalds lady.

*I need some new running socks.  Today’s long run pushed my Achilles heels over the edge…the raw & bloody edge.  Now I’m sporting lots of these.

*I have never bought Harper a new pair of shoes…I am consignment all the way.  Until now.

Only if they made them in adult sizes…we could be mother/daughter twins.

*Amazingly warm February weather equals Sonic Happy Hour and lots of playing outside.  Happiness all around.

Have a great weekend!


  1. We do not know each other,but I have been lovingly “stalking” your blog and I am so proud of you. I so appreciate your realness. Please know you are being prayed for daily in Texas.

  2. I’m so bummed that our Targets discontinued the bags of regular popcorn. I know I could pick it out of the mixed bag, but it’s not the same. Glad you’re enjoying the others, though!

  3. Thanks for sharing! Love all the pictures from your day. So fun to get to look into someone else’s life. 🙂

  4. Jennifer Green says:

    I have no words for how much I love Harper’s new shoes!!!!!! 🙂

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