Saturday and Birthdays

Today… SATURDAY… was a very productive day for me. If you know me, then you know that I like to be organized and I like to plan ahead. So Harper will be turning 1 at the end of March (I can’t believe it), but I have already started planning her party. I know I’m crazy, but I put so much effort into everybody else’s birthday parties, I figured I owed it to Harper to bring my A-game. Nothing too over the top, but I do want it to be sweet, simple and sentimental. So I have been working on her invitations and got a lot done. I have taken a close up of part of her invitation. Can you take a guess at what kind of party we will be having? Guesses anyone?!?

Also I have been working on my niece Campbell’s 5th birthday cake. I make all my nieces and nephews birthday cakes and Campbell’s party is tomorrow and she is having a cat party. I have been working on the beginnings of a cat cake. I’ll post that picture tomorrow. Here are some of the cake’s I’ve made for birthday’s over the years. The only one I used a cake mold for was Elmo.

Also I made Campbell a cute little door hanger/birthday tag/card to go on her birthday present. I mixed fabric, paper, a button and a sewing machine and this is what I came out with. Not too shabby. I always like to write a special note to my nieces and nephews on their birthdays, so Campbell’s message is on the back. Happy 5th Birthday Campbell!!!

Last but not least, here is a picture I took of Harper today. She was in our living room playing and the sun was shining through the window so brightly. I really like this picture. Isn’t she sweet. Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. Love the picture of Harper. Plus, your cakes are amazing! I wish you were close so I could hire you to do the boys’ cakes. So creative…

  2. WOW! I had no idea how many awesome cakes you’d made! That last picture of Campbell – she looks like a little girl not a baby! Uhm, hearts & flowers? But that doesn’t sound like you – hmmm…

  3. That picture of my beautiful niece is amazing! Seriously, that is one gorgeous little girl.

  4. Can you please give classes for cakes? I cannot bake and cake barely but yours are so beautiful!

  5. You didn’t even have a picture of the fire truck that you made a long time ago. I saw that one myself!
    Have you ever thought about baking birthday cakes for a living?

  6. Ashley Goss says:

    i had no idea that you could make all of those cakes. they look incredible! good job

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