Rockin’ Kind Of Weekend

Top 3 Things That I Was Most Excited About For The Weekend:

1)  Flea market time with my mom on Saturday morning

2)  My first Titans football game Saturday night with Josh

3)  And my nephew Cooper’s Warrior Dash birthday party on Sunday.

Did anything disappoint?  Heck no!  This was the kind of weekend we love.

Flea Market:  So great.  Best way to do the flea market…leave your house at like 6:30 am, eat some breakfast and get on down there.  Works great.

I snagged some great items for super cheap.  Sadly enough, I think my favorite item was the Buzz Lightyear napkins for .50 cents.  Huddy smiled as big as day when I showed him.  If you need party supplies, head to the flea market.  Odd, I know.

My favorite find were all these old letterpress blocks.  The man who had them was so interesting to talk with.  Said he bought all the blocks 40 years ago and forgot about them.  Just recently found them and he said he can’t stop selling them.  I was sad not to find a big “K”.

My mom found some earrings she had been looking for.  They were 50% off and then she got to spin this cool wheel and won an additional 10% off.  The flea market is like the gift that keeps on giving.

We did so much walking and sweating…my feet looked like this on the way home.  My mom said, “There is no way I would post that on the internet.”  I just could not, not share how nasty they were…it was too funny to me.  I keep it real around here.

My 1st Titans Game:  Totally and completely fun.

We got off to a late start, so had to snag dinner at Hardees…did I just hear some internet gasps?  Their chicken tenders are totally delicious.  Don’t knock em’, till you try em’…Josh and I always split this.

Our best and oldest friend Tyler and his girlfriend Alison asked us to go.  Thank you guys so much…especially Alison…they are her dad’s season tickets, so that is pretty awesome.

And the Titans won and the seats were great…we could see everything.  I definitely want to go back for a season game.  Everyone told me that they are way better than pre-season and I thought the pre-season game was pretty fantastic.  And not sure who this guy is, but he was excited too.

Warrior Dash Birthday Party:  Off the chart fun.  Coop’s best birthday ever.

Josh and I are doing the Warrior Dash in September.  I told Coop, a while back about it and he was so funny.  He says that when he turns 18 he is totally doing it.  I think I shall join him…7 years from now.  I told Jen how excited he was about it and that we should have him a Warrior Dash birthday party.  And there you have it.

Josh’s parents live on some good land that was perfect to pull this off.  We roped off the entire course with caution tape and inserted our obstacles…large slip N slide (Josh affectionately called it the slip N bleed),

hula hoop jumps,

see saw walk,

cones downhill,

off the dock jump into the lake,

uphill run,

rock climb,

mud pit find,

refrigerator box crawl,

rope swing,

string web

and ended with a fire jump over the finish line.

Yes, you read all that right.

We did 3 heats for the course…the kids started us off first…

I can’t say how much I love this picture of Lyla, Campbell and Harper taking off…so stinkin’ cute.  The guys were next…they were hilarious…

and the ladies went last.

We had a fourth and final heat where the winners from each heat battled it out against the birthday boy.

And we ended the party with a pinata full of flour.

Hands down…BEST.BIRTHDAY.PARTY.EVER.  It was so so fun and once I got home and had a chance to look at the pictures and videos…Josh and I were crying we were laughing so hard.

Here were a few of my faves:

And the winner for “Best Picture Of The Day”, in my personal opinion, was none other that this little jewel:

Happy Birthday Coop!  We love you tons and tons.  Can’t wait to run the real Warrior Dash with you in 7 years 🙂

Happy Monday!

**I’ve had several emails asking for other party details…what were the cupcakes and if we did treat bags and if so, what were in them.  Coop wanted chocolate cake with chocolate icing.  One of the trademarks for the Warrior Dash is the viking helmet and for Coop’s invitations he was sporting a big viking helmet.  For the cupcakes, I dipped bugles in white chocolate and added them to the sides of the cupcakes, like viking horns.  Jen did all the treat bags in brown paper lunch bags.  They had band-aids, bandanas (which we were all wearing through out the pictures), tattoos, glow sticks and some candy.  Hope this helps.**


  1. oh man that warrior dash looks like a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love it!

  2. WOW!! I think you totally win MOM OF THE YEAR for that party!!

  3. Cutest pictures, ever!!! What a great party!

  4. You have the most fun family ever. (Oh and also, I have been reading your blog for a while but I think this is the first time commenting. Hi!)


  1. […] of tread on the bottom of my shoe had come off.  We decided this probably happened at Coop’s Warrior Dash birthday party and I just never noticed.  This made me kind of nervous considering all the walls we were going to […]

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