Right now…

I am listening to Huddy and Sol talk a problem over about their house building skills.  They are very much into building houses lately with chairs and our couch and blankets and pillows.  I like when they have conversations.  It makes me imagine them as old men together.  They will make the best old men.

I am eating Kroger brand organic frosted flakes.  Yes, such a thing exists.  Look at me trying to be all “healthy”.  There is only 8 grams of sugar and 110 calories.  And they are actually super tasty.  I’m working to make my kids eat more kiddish cereal VS old people cereal.  Amon is happy I am eating frosted flakes as well.  He’s such a scavenger.  And when he’s super excited, like he is now because I am sharing my cereal with him, he stands by my leg and just bobs back and forth smiling and gumming up his cereal.  He gives me an encouraging clap every now and then to keep me feeding him.  I like him.

I am drinking water.  I like water.  I was never a big coke/carbonated beverage person until I was pregnant with Huddy and the wheels came off…bad.  Ever since then I completely love a good coke…especially a fountain coke with good ice.  I don’t like tea or coffee, so I figure I can allow myself this wonderful little pleasure since I drink water the rest of the time.

I am wearing sweats and a tee.

Laura Kelley Fun Fact #211 99.9% of my wardrobe is made up of jeans and t-shirts.

Maybe this is why I like fall so much…perfecto jeans and t-shirt weather.  In summer I have to pair my tees with shorts and in winter I have to put a long sleeve shirt under my t-shirts.  It’s a vicious, not-so-grand fashion cycle.  Creature of habit right here.  On vacation I wore a dress every night to dinner and whoa…it was hard, but I pushed through and made it happen.  I felt accomplished…and fancy.

I am feeling heavy hearted and good.  Can you feel both?  Apparently so.  Obviously I am a fan of adoption, but what I am even more a fan of is when kiddos get to stay with their parents.  When we come along side each other as brothers and sisters Christ and stand in the gap for one another.  My heart is right there, right now.  I sooooo want to help stand in the gap for these mommas and daddys and keep families together.  I read some information about the If:Gathering a friend posted on facebook yesterday and now all I can think is maybe this would be a great place to go hash out some major heavy heartedness.  I feel good because even though my heart is heavy it’s really nice to know when God is actually speaking to you…to your heart.  It feels good to recognize Him.  It’s affirmation.  I’m not the best at listening when Jesus talks to me or even more, I’m not the best at even recognizing that it’s Him, so when I have those very rare moments when I do…it’s something good and encouraging.

I am wanting…this is probably where I should say “world peace” or “to feed the hungry”…I do want those things, but truthfully I would like some gooey butter cake.  Or some chocolate chip cookies.  No sweets after our vacation bender is hard and I would so love a good yummy baked good.  I told you…#NoShame

I am needing a bike helmet.  Josh got me a new-to-me mountain bike and now I need a helmet.  Apparently those are super important when mountain biking or just biking in general.  Jami and Betsy really wanted me to get a road bike, but turns out mountain bikes are cheaper than road bikes on craigslist.  I road it around barefoot in our back yard last night and felt like a big kid.  This new adventure should be very interesting and possibly bone breaking.

I am thinking about God’s plans for us…and cookies.  All the possibilities that lie just on the horizon and with a snap of His fingers things could be so different and big changes could happen and that makes my heart super hope filled and excited.  Change is good.  Change is challenging and so rewarding.  Change is stellar.  What I love is even our kids are praying big prayers for our family and believing with all their little beings God will do what they are asking.  My heart goes crazy when my children witness Jesus moving and working right before their eyes.  My heart goes crazy when they go crazy and just are in awe of God’s goodness.

I am enjoying Huddy.  He is the funniest kid and he has already asked me one million times today if he can watch a movie.  We have been going hard this week so I declared today a stay-at-home-day.  I told them maybe we would get crazy and watch a movie right in the middle of the day.  Huddy is clearly the most excited about this possibility and will not quit asking.  He’s driving me nuts and yet, I am still enjoying it.  He’s just so sincere and genuine with his little heart and his love of that dang TV.

And that is my right now.

Happy Thursday.


  1. We are bossom friends. The problem is we have never met and honestly I could be catogrized as a stalker!!!
    My wardrobe consists of jeans and tshirts and capris…my husband just graduated from seminary and I am praying God sends us to a church where jeans and tees are fancy!
    I almost peed myself while reading you story on couple spa. You really should right a book on finding joy and laughter through all circumstances!
    Enjoy you afternoon movie.

  2. girl, come on down to Austin for the IF:gathering. you can crash on my couch! I bet its gonna be amazing!

  3. My wardrobe is almost all jeans and tshirts. And stretchy yoga/lounge pants for staying home. Heck we barely get dressed if we aren’t going anywhere. Why bother, just makes more laundry. Especially since I just found out we are expecting baby number 2!
    And blanket forts ate the bomb. My sister and I used to build them si bug they took up the dining room and den

  4. I have learned from experience just how super important helmets can be, so please make sure you get one before riding that bike! My fiancee’ loves any kind of biking (mountain, road, etc.) as well, so he took me on the “beginner’s trail” to try out my mountain biking skills. Needless to say, I ended up hugging a tree (literally) but would have come out with way more scratches if it weren’t for my helmet. They put those stinking trees so close together! Good luck!

  5. Love this little glimpse into your daily life! And I am so encouraged and excited about the IF:Gathering too! Read about it on FB the other day. My husband and I started a new church last year and God is growing a passion in me for women and helping us all step out and live a life following Jesus. Maybe I will see you in Austin!? 🙂

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