Recent Orders

This first order was from my sister-in-law Jen for my niece Campbell.  Jen wanted me to jazz up a black hoodie that Campbell had.  I talked it over with Campbell and she decided she wanted either a butterfly or a bird and then we started sketching some pictures and she decided on a bird with heart wings.  Campbell is very creative on her own and she was the perfect inspiration for this little birdie.

This next order was placed by Jenna for a 5×7 mixed media piece that I had originally done for a very sweet woman Sandra.  Jenna ordered this for her grandmother’s Christmas present.

And lastly, this was ordered by my cousin Amanda for her daughter Evy’s room.  This piece is a 15×30 name piece.  Amanda also wanted me to add the verse Jeremiah 29:11 in scrolly letters.  I think it turned out great and I hope Evy loves it for years to come.

Thanks everyone for your business.  Let me know if you need orders for Christmas presents and I will guarantee them done and delivered before Christmas.


  1. Thanks Laura for the beautiful painting. Evy loves it, and so do I! Your the best!

  2. I LOVE Evy’s painting, that is so awesome. Sorry I haven’t called you back, I promise to tomorrow. I’ve got a yucky sinus infection and I’ve had a ton on my plate. Can’t wait to catch up.

  3. is your work on etsy or anything…we are also adopting from ethiopia and i would to learn about your pricing info. email me at

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