
Sooooo, today was one of those days.  You know the one?  The one where I may have thought Amon was going into cardiac arrest because I looked over and his lips were blue…just the perfect hue of blue to send me into way crazy panic thinking immediately, “This is the moment they trained us for.”  And then I started going over all the steps in my head only to then realize he wasn’t acting like he was in cardiac arrest and then when I further assessed the situation I noticed a very wet slobbery paper gun drawn with a blue marker and then further realized Amon was not in cardiac arrest, but had just been eating one of Hudson’s 5 gazillion paper guns.  The even sadder part of this story, is this is the second time this has happened.  I have decided I shall remove all blue markers from the house.

Today was also one of those days when we may have gotten Sol and Huddy’s sandwiches switched in their lunch boxes.  Giving Huddy, who is allergic to peanut butter, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and Sol, who is not allergic to peanut butter, the sunbutter and jelly sandwich.  Huddy’s teacher called and said he came to her and said he thought his sandwich had peanut butter on it…after taking a few bites.  I asked if he was breaking out in hives…he was not, so I just assumed he was mistaken, but then thinking about it more, Huddy had never questioned his sunbutter before and is pretty accurate when it comes to his food.  After talking to Josh, he remembered Huddy’s sandwich had the crust on it and Sol’s did not.  I then shortly after received another phone call from his teacher saying he had thrown up.  I asked if she remembered if his sandwich had the crust or no crust, turns out Huddy had the peanut butter crustless sandwich.  Red lights may have been run and this momma may have driven like mad to their school to dose the kid with Benadryl.  It reiterated the fact that he has apparently not grown out of his peanut butter allergy.  In the car he talked about how it didn’t hurt his belly, but that it made his throat feel really funny.  Goodness.  On the way home Sonic sprites with the “good ice” were snagged and then we laid on couch and watched a movie.  I think I will have a very stiff drink for dinner.  You know, because, well…it was just one of those days.

Happy Thursday.


  1. Oh goodness, bless your scared heart today! Good for Huddy for realizing it! You are doing more than okay on the parenting front! 🙂

  2. We ALL make mistakes! I wll never forget the day I took my oldest child to get new shoes and her foot had grown not just a size or a size and a half, but THREE sizes!!!!!!!! I was so embarassed. Had she complained, no. Were her shoes worn out, no. We just happened to need a pair in a specific color! She had been curling her toes under and just wearing the shoes! We had to have a long talk that day!

    • Jennifer Puckett says:

      I did the same thing with my son’s lunch too! Very scary when you receive a phone call around lunch time. Thankfully, he did not eat it but just stared at it like he sensed something wasn’t right or something. Thank goodness! Scary feeling for sure.

  3. we’ve experienced the blue lips scare as well…blue suckers are the worst, especially when you didn’t give it to him and just see the after effects. For a while, I banned all blue food and drinks!! I just don’t need to add something else to worry about! : )

    So glad that Hudson is okay! I have had several days like that. Once, I squirted lasix into Brody’s mouth instead of Colby’s. The sweet boy never objected…he just took it like it was meant for him. I think that definitely eliminated me from any mom of the year awards for the rest of my life!

  4. oh, girl, i’m stressing for you! it’s over now. a liquid dinner may be in order. it’s happened to us all one way or the other, though.

  5. Ugh! Allergies! Our 3 bios are peanut allergy, our 2 ET boys are not. All kiddos get soynut butter sandwiches here!

  6. I’m glad all is well, but you still deserve to DRINK UP, lady!

  7. Do you have a prescribed EPI-Pen for Huddy? Keep that baby handy! I cringed when I read that his mouth felt really funny. Keeping the right meds ready for a swelling throat is crucial for surviving Anaphylaxis. Happy to read that he’s okay! Love to All ~ Jo

    • I’m so thankful Huddy is okay! Does his school have an Epi-Pen on hand for him? Allergic reactions can unexpectedly get worse and sometimes Benedryl is not enough. Our sweetie ended up with an Epi shot and a ride in an ambul

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