Paper Snowmen, Art & A Sweet Surprise

Some of my favorite kid crafts are the ones that are mostly paper and fly-by-your-seat.  Harper has been asking me for a while to make some snowmen, so today we made that happen.  Super easy and the kids loved it.

The supplies we used were scrap paper, three different sized bowls for tracing, glue gun, glue stick, fabric scraps, buttons and glitter.  You could easily do this entire project with just paper.

I used three different sized bowls for tracing and let each kiddo cut out their own circles.  I like a craft where the kids do most of the work.  I trace…they cut and glue.

Then they glued their circles together…largest on bottom, smallest on top…to form their snowman.  Easy cheesy!

And then from here do as little or as much decorating to your snowman as you would like.  We ended up cutting out paper hats, arms and carrot nose for ours, along with a scrap fabric scarf (I did hot glue these), button eyes and buttons and a glitter smile.

And just so you know…hands down the best glitter I have found…none other than Martha Stewarts’.  So fine and sparkly and every color imaginable.  It is quite pricey, but I have only had to buy one set and I got it with a 50% coupon at Joanns.  Use their coupons.

There you have it.  Super easy and your kiddos get to be creative and crafty.  Good afternoon boredom buster.

And I have even been getting more and more back into the groove of creating.  Did this one yesterday…just because.

Can you tell what is impressed upon my heart?  If I only had a $1 or even a quarter for every time I said this or though it, well I could probably buy popcorn and Icees from Target for a year 🙂

And today I ran across a sweet little surprise.

One of the things my mom had me purchase for her while she was in the hospital was a notebook.  She wanted something just to have to take notes in and to have me write down things for her to remember, etc.

I ended up being the only one who even wrote in it.  She would have me write scripture and appointment times and details about surgeries and chemo and radiation.  I would write her little notes to make her smile or laugh.

I had actually completely forgotten that she had written in the notebook…just once.  And today I saw it again.

It made my day.  It was a piece of comfort.  I had to remember she was on meds, but it made me smile and cry and miss her like crazy, just as I do everyday.  But it was such a sweet, sweet surprise.  God gives us sweet surprises.

“God is good, the world He made is extraordinary and His comfort is like nothing else on earth.”


  1. If we understood the incredible value of our words, we would give them away everyday like diamonds. =) Sweet post.

  2. Love the art piece. It is a beautiful, comforting creation that will give hope and encouragement to whoever looks at it.

  3. That is so, so sweet. Love the snowmen & love your positive perspective

  4. Love the snowmen! I am going to try it with my boys. Also, wondering if you would like to share this craft on my Worthy of the Prize ministry page as part of a new series I am doing in 2012. We just need to add a spiritual thought to go with it. I will message you the details! Thanks!

  5. Jennifer Smith says:

    Love this piece and the cute little snowmen!!! What sweet a surprise you came across!!!! Love those sweet surprises!!!

  6. Sweet surprises are the best…thinking about you often!

  7. I love the snowmen!

    I found your blog several months ago when searching on adoption. I have been so touched and moved by your blog. I have prayed, cried and told others about your touching post. Your post show how amazing your momma was!

  8. Beautiful piece and what a sweet remembrance. God bless.

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