Order Catch Up

After arriving home from vacation last Tuesday night, I knew I had to get down to business.  I have a very large order list and lots of people waiting for their items.  I don’t like to make people wait…it kind of stresses me out.  So I got busy and am still busy.  I promise I am working just as quick as I can.

This first order was placed by Angie in Tennessee.  I actually completed this before we left for vacation.  Angie wanted a special 15×30 canvas for her preacher and she wanted all of the church staff to include messages on the canvas.  Here is what we came up with.

All staff member signed the letters in Grateful.  I was super pleased with how it turned out.  Thanks again so much Angie.

This next order was placed by Amy in Tennessee.  Amy wanted a large order of key fobs for some special women in her life.  Thank you so much Amy.  Hope everyone loves them.

Abra in Alabama ordered this 10×10 canvas.  She wanted a special wedding gift for a music loving couple.  Thanks again Abra and hope the couple loves their so thoughtful gift.

This 8×10 mockingbird canvas is headed to Jen in Arkansas.  Thank you so much for your business Jen…totally appreciate it.

Jessica in Kentucky ordered this sweet little key fob and camera strap.  Hope you love them Jessica.  Thanks again so much.

This sweet fabric bracelet was ordered by Laura in Mississippi.  Thanks so much Laura.

This order is headed to Amber in Indiana.  Amber wanted two girls taggie blankets, a peace sign key fob and a 5×5 dragonfly bow holder.  I hope everyone loves their gifts Amber…thanks so much.

This set of key fobs and 11×14 canvas are headed to Gretchen in Nebraska .  Thanks again so much Gretchen.

And lastly, this 8×10 and 12×12 Name of Jesus canvases were ordered by Bethany in Tennessee.  Totally appreciate it Bethany…hope you love them.

We will be having our 10 Months Waiting Art Giveaway this Friday, so check back.  I have been thinking and thinking about what I am going to do, so hoping this is the best one yet.  We shall see.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  We sure did!

Happy Monday!

1 Comment

  1. Every time I read your blog or see something you have created it touches my heart! I honestly want one of everything you have done! Being a self taught Artist myself it truly amazes me at the creativity and artistic creations that you have! May God continue to BLESS your family richly!
    I do want to get something done like the piece I see on here for Trey & someone…lol…I love that!! My son is getting married and I would love to have that done with maybe the Nashville scene in the background or even Scarritt Bennet. Can you help with this! Thank you so much!

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