One More Day

First, I just wanted to say thank you.  Thank you for reading my itty bitty piece of the internet.  Thank you for not only reading, but for making me feel normal and for always being kind and thoughtful and sharing.  It thrills my heart when you share with me your stories and when you can relate to my words.  I like to know I’m not the only crazy one out here.  So I really do hope you know how grateful I am for you.

Second, tomorrow is the last day of school…only one more day until summer break.  I’m ready.

I recycled Harper’s birthday door decorations into “Happy-End-Of-The-Year” decorations and I bought Fruit Loops for a special breakfast.  My kids are like elderly people when it comes to their cereal, so Fruit Loops will be way super fun.

I am extremely ready for the lazy summer days filled with sleeping in late and swimming and the wave pool and grilling out and baseball and ice cream and fun trips and Gotcha Day celebrations.  It’s going to be a wildly good summer.  And it’s also sad that this school year is coming to an end…we’ve just been crazy blessed.

And lastly, I’m thinking it may be time for a giveaway…you know…to kick summer off really right.  I was thinking maybe a “Favorite Things” giveaway or a canvas giveaway or key fob and camera strap giveaway…what do you say?  I’d love to hear what would make for a killer summer giveaway in your lovely eyeballs.

Again, thank you so much for reading and stopping by.  You’re pretty awesome.  Gearing up for our big day tomorrow and trying to get just a few things accomplished today.  Hope your day is great.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Jennifer Sullivan says:

    I vote key fob giveaway 🙂

  2. Yay for SUMMER!!!! You are one cool momma! And a giveaway on top of it all?!? The excitement overflows! I would love a new keyfob but a canvas would be a treasure but really… anything would be awesome! 🙂 Happy Summer Days!!!

  3. Nita McAdoo says:

    Canvas, please! I’ve been trying to win one for a l…o…n…g… time 🙂

  4. Oooh! Give Away?! Camera strap would be uuuuber amazing! Or a canvas!!! 🙂 yay for summer fun!!!

  5. Oooohh – a custom canvas would be amaaaazing! 🙂

    And thank YOU for putting yourself out there. Yours is my favorite blog, and I feel like I really know you through your honesty. And your kids? Good grief – you hit the adorable jackpot! (So did I, by the way.) 🙂 Keep it up, girl!

  6. Key fob or camera strap! I have a near stalker story for you. I was in Academy Sports last week to get my Emma an archery set when who do I catch out of the corner of my eye but a woman carrying a sweet baby boy with three Wee Kellys trailing behind. I so wanted to say hey but then I remembered that we have had maybe one face to face conversation and that would be strange! And you were past me already. Had to share!

  7. Annemarie williams says:

    Canvas! Actually on my bday list which is Sat so ill keep my fingers crossed!!!!

  8. I cannot believe it’s that time already! But so ready for pure sunshine (here in MI). Of course, we are up for a giveaway! Canvas, key fob, camera strap or all of the above : ) Keep us posted! Mira your keep it real!

  9. Key fobs! You can NEVER have too many of those – they are great for so many things!

    And my kids (who are grown now) were elderly cereal eaters, too. Chex, and corn flakes and raisin bran. I WISHED for their Frosted Flake cravings (so I could eat them, too)!

  10. Jessica R. says:

    A favorite things giveaway sounds like fun! I’ve been wanting to have a “favorite things party” for a while, I love finding out what other people love. But everything you create it awesome and would make for a great giveaway too. Happy almost-summer break!

  11. I just love your blog and feel like I know you personally. Thank you for your honesty, openness, and for sharing your faith. Let the summer festivities begin!!
    (BTW, have you heard anything about a Dolly Parton water/
    snow park opening up in Nashvegas? We’re about 3 hours away and I think that sounds super duper fun!)

  12. Myndie Turner says:

    I say favorite things or canvas give away. I really love reading your blog and hearing about your awesome wee kiddos.

  13. You are my favorite blog to read 🙂 I love your honesty and your cute little family. A canvas would definitely be a fun giveaway! Or a favorite things–that would be fun to win! Happy Beginning of Summer!

  14. Corinne says:

    Wow you guys are lucky. Kids here in my corner of the world don’t get out of school until June 29!!! They go back sept 4. I can only guess your gang would go back earlier then that. Happy summer from Halifax Nova Scotia where we are still waiting for spring to set in

  15. whitney wymore says:

    I would love to win one of your killer anchor canvas’! (:

  16. Camera strap!!!

  17. Oh I want one of your camera straps! I already have a canvas (YES!) and have given ones of your camera straps as a gift, so I want one of my own…so then I can convince my husband we NEED a fancy new camera! ha!

    Also, your cute fam and your fun blog are my faves!

  18. How about a weekend with The Laura Kelley & family! ; ) Okay, not possible, but I can dream of all of the Fun we’d have! I honestly am waiting to win a canvas for my bedroom wall! I spend my days in bed or in the hospital!!, so I need an anchor with some wonderful Trust/Hope/Faith/Hang On Scripture!!

  19. 2 thoughts:
    1. all giveaways are fun!! 🙂
    2. what kind of chalk do you use? it’s so bright and i love it!

  20. I would love ANYTHING you make! 😉 Although a camera strap or canvas sounds extra awesome. And my kids don’t get out of school until June 12th so I’m way jealous. So ready for summer. Although our weather is cold so I guess I can wait til the sun arrives. 😉

  21. Best wishes on the last day of school! Yay for summer!

    I vote for any kind of giveaway! Whatever is the LEAST stress for you 🙂

  22. I vote for key fobs as well. I love mine, and would love to bless someone with one if I were to win.

  23. I love reading your blog!!!!! I feel like my day isn’t complete if I haven’t read your daily post!! I am a teacher here in Arkansas and we have 6 more days of school! I am as bad as the kids so ready for summer fun so a Laura Kelley give away would be a GREAT way to get the summer started!!! Who cares what it is, everything you create is fabulous!

  24. Camera strap would be great. 🙂

  25. Thank YOU for sharing……I love reading them 🙂 You would not believe how many times I read your post and am going through something similar. I am seriously always laughing or crying along with you.
    As for the givaways…..everything you do is beautiful!

  26. Anything you create would be a great giveaway!

  27. Hi Laura! I work at MCE and just wanted to thank you for the key fob. It really brightened my day and it is a cute and handy tool I am glad to have! I love your blog and hope your family has a fabulous summer. 🙂

  28. My vote is for a camera strap! I would love to order one if you open up for orders 🙂

  29. Nita Reid says:

    ANYTHING PITTER PATTER would be GREAT!!!!!! Let it be a SURPRISE!!!!!!
    Happy Summer to all the Kelly’s!!!!!!

  30. Ohhhh, sleeping in late….when does that happen?? Im currently in the throws of tiny little babies and I need some motivation that one day, I will sleep past 630AM!

  31. Barbara says:

  32. Thank you for your blog! I think God meant for me to find it several months ago when I clicked a link posted by a fb friend. I so appreciate your spirituality and your “realness”! And you are just such a rad gal! I would love a canvas give-away. Your work so inspired me that I have been attempting my own version of canvas art, and I am definitely no artist!

  33. hooray for summer and lazy days. summer activities are my faves.

    i think you should do a camera strap giveaway to inspire everyone to USE their camera to capture summer memories 🙂

  34. Yay for summer!! I’m thinking a canvas giveaway would be extra special yummy!

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