Oh, Thursday!

Nothing too crazy exciting going on at the Kelley house today.  My “snail mail, handwritten love” giveaway is still going on.  CLICK HERE or scroll to the post below to enter to win some killer stationary and pens.  Sharing the mail love!

I’m doing another giveaway this Saturday that involves running and adoption.  I’m kind of a fan of both, so check back.

Josh and I decided Amon takes great side-of-the-face, looking-off-into-the-distance photos.  He so does.

We went to see Harper and my niece Campbell’s artwork in the art show at our local college this week.  All the pieces were great.  Campbell had one of her paintings in the show and Harper’s art teacher chose her symmetrical butterfly.  She was so proud…and we were so proud of her.

He makes me all kind of mushy on the inside.

I’ve been working on custom orders.  This 10×10 Lumineers canvas is headed to Erin in Colorado.  I kind of totally love this canvas.  I jammed to it hard…and cried a bit harder…as we waited to bring Amon home for his heart surgery.  Sigh.

This 8×10 canvas is headed to Tracy.  I kind of like this one too, but hey, I know I’m completely partial.

I know this was kind of a super random, very unorganized post today.  And to add to today’s more than usual randomness, here is what Josh terms, “the boombox”.

Now I’m off to eat lunch with this dude.  We’re having…wait for it…hot dogs and bananas.  Did I just gross you out?  Mini throw up, maybe?  Awe, you know you like a good hot dog every now and then or often.  And bananas, well I despise them…minus banana bread which is heavenly…despise might be a little strong for bananas, but Amon loves them.  His new favorite.

Happy Thursday!


  1. We were there too! Olivia had a piece of art at Vol State. I actually took a pic of your niece’s artwork “Help?” and sent it to Emily Ann (since she an art major). We were both impressed with her skills for a 4th grader! Love Harper’s art as well (the apple didn’t fall far from the tree!).

  2. Shared!

  3. Way too much distance between me and my high school bestie for the past year or so. Picked up a card earlier this week. That’s how we fix our broken times. When I think heartfelt hand written cards I think of her!

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