Oh, Monday!

Today was one of those Mondays.  You know the one.  The one that just really sticks it to you.

Sol fell about a week ago and has been limping ever since.  In all fairness, he’s not a big pain complainer.  Now mess with his food or stuff and you’ll get some complaining, but he’s pretty tolerant of pain.  Josh noticed this morning that he was still limping when he was running through the house and so I finally called the doctor.

I decided that until our afternoon doctors appointment we’d have some fun since the weather was awesome.  The boys rode bikes at the park and played on the playground and we snagged lunch out.

We ran by our house before Sol’s appointment to grab a few things and play for a bit.  When we were just about to start getting ready to leave, Amon fell off Huddy’s bed and scraped his face on a plastic basket and a transformer hanging out of the basket cut his inner ear area.  It’s like road rash on his face or David Bowie’s makeup from the early 90s.

He was pitiful.  Cried so so hard.

We then headed out for Sol’s appointment.  Our amazingly wonderful pediatrician checked Amon out as well.  Two birds…one stone.

Amon was fine, just have to watch the cut in his ear to make sure it doesn’t get infected.  Sol on the other hand…well, we headed off to our children’s hospital for x-rays.  I dropped all the other wee Kelleys off with my MIL.  It was actually super sweet just being with Sol…alone…just me and him.  He’s a really cool kid.

As we were walking back to the waiting area after his xrays, I saw one of the head guys from Amon’s anesthesia team for his open heart surgery.  I went semi crazy on him and I could tell he didn’t know what to do with me.  I was all like…

Me:  Hey, I recognize you.  You do anesthesia right?

Anesthesia Dude:  Yes.

Me:  You did my son’s open heart surgery in September.

Anesthesia Dude:  Is this him?  (looking at Sol)

Me:  Oh no, he’s at home.  We’re here for xrays today.

Anesthesia Dude:  And you are…?

Me:  Oh, I’m Laura Kelley.  My little boy is Amon, well on his insurance his name is Teklehaymanot.  Surely you remember that name.

Anesthesia Dude:  {Insert awkward stare because A) I’ve followed him this whole time to wherever he was headed dragging my limpy little boy with me…he clearly couldn’t shake me and B)  He has no idea who this Amon/Teklehaymanot baby is I speak of.}

Me:  Well, Amon was adorable and had crazy good hair and I know you do all kinds of surgeries, but…{Insert crazy mother now starting to cry} I just wanted you to know you did a great job.

Anesthesia Dude:  Well thank you.  He’s doing good now?

Me:  Yes, he’s doing amazing.

Anesthesia Dude:  (really wanting to break free of me at this point) Well, good to see you.

Me:  You too.

I immediately walked back to the waiting area with Sol and text Josh.  Lots of really crazy emotions came rearing up in me.  I just wasn’t sure what to do with them, so I apparently just decided to be creepy.

So back to Sol…turns out, dude broke his foot.  I felt horrible.  #parentsoftheyear  Kid had been walking and running and jumping and biking on a broken foot for a week.  I asked the doctor if she thought I was a horrible mom 🙂 She smiled and told me no.  Good lady doctor.  She knew what was good for her.

She said she was shocked at how much it had healed without anything on it for so long.  She said he must be a really strong healthy kid.  Keep em’ coming lady doctor…Keep.Them.Coming.  She said if we had brought him in right when it happened they would have put a cast on it, but since it had actually done quite a bit of healing on it’s own, he just gets a boot.  A boot with very strict “you must wear it all the time” rules and no running or jumping, but none the less, a boot.  Soooooo, our poor parenting was actually of some service to Sol thank you very much.

So he’s out for the rest of soccer season and will go back in 2 1/2 weeks for more xrays to see how the healing is progressing and until then he’ll be rockin’ his boot.

I hope you feel like a good parent today.  I hope I make you feel like an incredibly awesome, observant parent.  It’s what I’m here for.  Enjoy our lameness and let it build you up or confirm you as a “just making it, so what if I let my 4-year-old walk around with a broken foot for 8 days” kind of parent.  It’s a hard job.  That is fo sho.

Happy “Road Rash Face, Broken Foot For Days” Monday.


  1. Eye glasses for my dude last week had me feeling the same way! How long has my kid not been able to see? I haven’t a clue!

  2. Oh goodness, I have been there too! One time I brought my daughter in because she was tugging her ear and they made me feel like I was paranoid. So the next time she was sick, I waited a bit and by the time I took her in she had a full blown double ear infection and they said why didn’t you bring her in sooner! AHHH you can’t win! Hang in there!

  3. Mariannne says:

    I took my daughter to buy new shoes onceand her feet had grown not 1, not 2, but 3 shoe sizes and she never complained that they were hurting her feet! I felt horrible!!!!!!

  4. Brea Freeman says:

    I like Sol’s shirt 🙂 It was a favorite here as well 🙂

  5. Emily Thomas says:

    That is so sad and so very hilarious at the same time.

  6. KELLYE bELT says:

    I can totally relate to your story! My daughter broke her arm when she was four. I did the ‘Can you wiggle your fingers? ‘ test and her energy never slowed down so I thought she was okay. You’d think if your arm is really broken that you’d slow down a bit! Maybe even do some periodic whimpering! She didn’t though. She did mention a few times that it hurt ‘ a little’. Nothing was sticking out of it! THREE days after her climbing adventure in her closet failed and she fell, she was still mentioning her arm. Her daddy finally told her that he was taking her to the hospital since she was still talking about it. She didn’t put up a fuss about it, so off they went. Needless to say, we felt like you did. Epic fail at parenting! She still teases us about this.
    That little girl will soon be 24! She just moved into her own house this past weekend. She is bright, beautiful, loving, compassionate, responsible, and never gave us one reason to worry while she was growing up. She is amazing! I guess we didn’t do too bad at parenting after all. : )

  7. Rachel Palmbush says:

    Laura, this is a fantastic post! Love it. Keep the honest parenting coming. I can totally see myself doing the same thing (letting my kid walk on a broken foot for a week, that is).

  8. I was babysitting while in high school and the little boy (~7 years old) fell off his bike. He came into the house crying and complaining his arm hurt. I checked it over – nothing sticking out, nothing misshapen, no funny colors, nothing. Just complaining it hurt. Gave him ice and told him his mom would be home in less than an hour. Mom home 4pm, tell her about fall and arm, she looks it over and doesn’t see anything. 10pm she takes him to the ER because he wont stop complaining. Not only was it broken, it was a green stick or spiral fracture which required SURGERY and pins!!!!!!!! I felt terrible and so did the mom but ay what can you do!!!

  9. Laura, I always thought you were an amazing BFF for Ashley! After reading your posts for a while, I see why. Thank you for being so genuine, so authentic in all you do. We have a little saying around our house, “Wherever you are…. be ALL there.” (Jim Elliot) That is what you always are —“ALL there” in all situations! God bless you, sweet lady!

  10. Don’t feel bad, we had a similar thing happen! My 2.5 year old tripped over a ball on the porch and landed on her elbow. She complained that it hurt, but it didn’t swell up or anything. I’ve never broken a major bone before ( knock on wood) but my husband had, so he looked at it when he got home. He said he didn’t think it was broken. So we just went on about our business. She would complain about it when we bent it to put a shirt on and she held it funny, like it wouldn’t straighten out or just hang by her side. Other than that, nothing! We even went and played on the beach for a day. It did start to swell a little that day so the next day we went to urgent care. Low and behold, she had fractured her elbow! She had to have a hard splint wrapped with an ace bandage for about 2 1/2 weeks and the smallest sling I have ever seen. But it never phased her. She kept doing things like normal, splint and all. And every time we went somewhere, people asked her what happened to her arm. It drive me crazy, I felt like I was being judged because my toddler was in a splint! But all’s well now 🙂

  11. We all have our days right? Cute kiddos!

  12. Oh, honey, let yourself off the hook! I’ve done that TWICE – yes, twice. Both with compression fractures to my daughter’s arm. She fell, the first time at 2, off the bed. It hurt, she cried, it swelled, and finally a few hours we went to the ER. 5 hours later, and a hot pink cast, I’m a good mom. Flash forward 6 years and as she kicks a soccer ball, her foot over-kicks, and she slips and falls on her boo-tay. We were at a friend’s house in CA and I just knew it was sore, maybe sprained, but she’d be fine for the roadtrip home to AZ. Two days later and much dramatic whining, x-rays revealed a fracture through the growth plate. Another cast, another mother-of-the-year award. Girls are just so dramatic, did I mention that?! Well, I’m proud to say (here, where no one will ever know) that at 16 with no therapy whatsoever, she’s forgiven me and she’s nearly 5’9″ tall. (Imagine what an Amazon she’d be if that growth plate hadn’t been stunted!) Best take-away? They bounce! 🙂
    Have a great and uneventful Tuesday!!

  13. Agnieszka says:

    I can see myself doing just that. My son, when he was 2, tried to climb on the motorcycle parked next to our car in the grocery store lot. He burned his leg on the exhaust pipe, actually left some skin stuck to it. He screamed in pain, but after I poured some ice cold water on it, he seemed fine. I called the doctor, answered some questions and was told to bring him over on Monday (it was Saturday). He didn’t complain at all during that time. When I took him to the doctor on Monday it turned out the burn was way worse than they thought based on our phone conversation and my explanations. We had to go to the doc every other day for few weeks. They were scraping away all the dead cells each time. We were even told he may need a transplant. Turns out all was fine and he hardly has any scar, just some skin that is a shade lighter. But I felt like the worst parent of the year for sure for not taking him to the ER. And for not stopping him from touching that motorcycle.
    Don’t feel bad. You’re a great mom!

  14. Jeanine says:

    Honey, not just you. Blair broke her ankle at school last year. (Kindergarten) Limped at home all afternoon. Looked a little swollen, but she assured us she was “fine.” Never said a word to her teacher all day and even did recess and P.E. Next morning, still limping, still said its “fine”, but definately bruised, so I brought her in to Dr. Yup. Broken Ankle. Kid walked on it all day. Can you say pain tolerance? Due to her sensory issues, Orthopedist recognized that a hard cast would be nearly devastating to her (as she did her best to completely physically refuse xrays – insert stressed mom and 4 medical professionals in Lead Vests later) Thank God the working boot worked for her. That time. Now that her heal is broken – not so much. :/ Looks like Sol is a trooper and will heal great. It happens to the best of us. 😉

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    Oh, Monday!

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