Oh Hey There.

Well I didn’t mean to take a couple of days off.  Life has just been…well…life.  And we just so happen to be going pretty hard and there was some allergy/sinus sickness going on accompanied by doctors appointments and lots of random sleeping, not only by just Amon and baseball and I’m really really tired.  Oh, and then I up and decided to paint all of our kitchen cabinets and walls while we had an extra sweet baby girl for the day…and her momma found dried paint on her…and 3 days later I finally finished.  And life…isn’t it wild and crazy sometimes.

We have been looking for a house for well over a year now…closing in on two actually.  There is always something new we want to do to our current home, but we just keep thinking we’ll find something.  Turns out there just isn’t a lot out there in our price range.  Soooooo, we keep waiting. And not making the changes we want to our house.  And I finally had had it up the here {insert stern parental stare}.  I was just incredibly tired of living like I thought we belonged somewhere else, when really I needed to be embracing exactly where God has us now.  So I bought paint and got busy.

I didn’t take any good before pictures…you can kind of see our kitchen in the background of this picture…brown cabinets & green walls.

And this is when I had taken all the top cabinet doors off.  I may have manually removed all of the top cabinet doors along with every last stitch of hardware with a little hand screw driver.  Then as I watched Josh Kelley later that day remove all the bottom cabinet doors and hardware with his cordless drill and I cursed.  #sometimesIjustdonotthink

Then over the course of three days I got to painting.  And painting and painting and painting.  And today I finished.  And I’m a bit smitten.  Just a bit.  I wish the lighting was better, but the sun was going down when I snapped these.

I am sooooooo glad it’s over.  And now I’m laying on the couch and can barely keep my eyes open to finish this post.  It’s quite redonkulous.  I’m off to bed.

Happy Friday night!

Happy Weekend!!


  1. Marianne cupples says:

    Your kitchen looks fabulous!!!!! I’m getting ready to move and I need some of your motivation!!!! And creativity too!

  2. Love the paint job! We are the same way with our house. We never thought we’d be in it as long as we have been. We want to fix up the landscaping but keep thinking “We hope we’ll move soon.” Someday.

  3. The kitchen looks wonderful! So bright and cheerful! And I am dying laughing (and absolutely loving!) the napping pictures. So awesome!

  4. Beeee YOU ti FULL! 🙂

    Tell me about the work of art over your stovetop.
    Love, Karen

  5. Love your “new” kitchen, Laura. It looks terrific. The picture of Huddy and Sol napping on the couch together just melts my heart. They have such a special bond.

  6. Emily thOmas says:

    Wow! What a huge difference! Looks awesome.

  7. Wow! Wow! Wow! You kitchen is so much brighter and lighter and happier! We painted our kitchen cabinets when we lived at our other house. It took forever to do! So much painting to do on kitchen cabinets! But, we were so happy when we had it done. Great job! (You’ll probably find a house now.)

  8. emily raney says:

    Your kitchen looks amazing! Great job!

  9. What a difference!! It looks so great!!

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