November 1

November is here and so begins our Thankful Leaves leading us up to Thanksgiving.  You can read about our past years HERE and HERE.

This morning before we all went our separate ways and while Josh loaded my luggage, we all talked about things we were thankful for today.  It’s kind of the best hearing gratitude from our kids.  I love getting a glimpse into their hearts this way.  Each day of November we discuss what we are grateful for and then one person picks something to put on a leaf and hang up.  This morning was Africa…and rightly so.

Here I sit in the Atlanta airport all by my lonesome awaiting my long flight to Johannesburg.  Josh Kelley and I got to the Nashville airport at 8am and began the process of checking in my crazy amount of luggage.  We strategically packed our little hearts out and we got a really nice Delta guy, but he didn’t even have to show us grace because all the luggage came in just under weight.  Hallelujah.  Now I’m praying all the bags make it and everything is in excellent condition.  I’ve met the nicest Delta people today…I kind of think it’s Jesus.

Thank you to to everyone who said they’d be praying for me.  I really and truly appreciate it.  God has already showed up this morning on several occasions.  My day should have been quite crappy by now, but God had other plans.  Makes me a tad weepy…the good kind of thankful weepy.  My nerves have chilled and I’m already sitting at my gate even though my flight doesn’t leave for another 3 hours.  This will be my first time to South Africa and Swaziland and the excitement of it all has finally kicked in.  I think I shall get a coke and some good food soon to celebrate.  I have my go-to Noonday Weekender bag packed along with a ginormous backpacking backpack that weighs about as much as I do.  Everything packed out and ready for the long flight.

I sat the other night, when my nerves were crazy and my anxiety high.  I was stressing over supplies and how everything was going to make it and how I was going to pack all 5 bags and keep them under the weight maximum.  A bag weighing over 70lbs isn’t even allowed on the airplane, so I had to pack very strategically.  I got really pissed off when things just weren’t going to plan and I thought to myself…why even go?  Why am I going on this trip?  Why am I stressing myself out?  This isn’t the ideal time and Josh is having to take days off work he doesn’t really have and the kids are going to miss me and I have so much to do here at home…and…and…and.  The list went on and on.  Satan was getting in my head.  God reminded me quickly that there is never an ideal time.  Nothing is ever going to be in just the right place.  He reminded me that He said go and I had agreed to do just that.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”  And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”  Isaiah 6:8

He reminded me I’m going so I can love and see with my eyes.  I’m going to love…that is why I am going.  This isn’t a mission trip…I’m just not sure I believe in those…this isn’t a charity…this isn’t a good cause.  I am going to spend time and love on my brothers and sisters in Christ.  To see their faces and hear their stories and learn how to be better equipped to come along side them.  And that is why I am going.

And I thought about what Harper, Hudson, Solomon and Amon see in Josh and me.  I want them to see us go and love because we want them to go and love…no matter where God takes them.  It may not be Swaziland…it may not be across the ocean…it may be just down the street, but wherever it may be I want them to say yes to God…to His calling in their lives…for them to say yes to love.

I’ll be setting off soon and I’m kind of totally over the moon now.  I’m ready and I cannot wait to see what God has in store.  Josh sent me a text earlier saying my birthday would start in the airplane over the Atlantic and end in South Africa…half my birthday in between counties and the other half in Africa.  I think 31 is going to start off pretty grand.

Oh and before I forget, I had comments & email questions about the solar powered lanterns I’m taking with me for the sweet ladies who care for all the kiddos at the carepoint each day.  I did some research and read great things about the Athena Brands Soladyne Mini Solar Lantern.  I bought them on Amazon and we are super impressed with them so far.  No batteries required…solar powered…and has a hand crank which Josh Kelley put to work and was impressed with as well.  Hope this answers questions.

Happy Friday!


  1. Marianne cupples says:

    You are in my prayers! Thank you for being willing to go!!!!!! I cried as I read this post.

  2. Happy Happy Birthday!! Sending out big and bold prayers your way 🙂 Have a safe and loving trip!

  3. So excited for you!!! This is going to be an amazing trip and I have no doubt you will touch more lives than you imagined. Have a great time and best wishes with all of the travels!!!

  4. Oh and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! It is going to be a wonderful year!!!


  1. […] can read my posts from Swaziland HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and […]

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