Nothing Fancy

My most recent little creation was for a wedding gift. My good friend Alissa, who I have been friends with since elementary school, is getting married to Stetson, another good friend from high school. So we all went to school together. Anyways Josh and I were invited to a little Happy Wedding BBQ tonight and it was so much fun. Alissa is dear to my heart, so no measuring cups for her. I asked Stetson to send me either a quote, some song lyrics or a verse that was special to Alissa and him. He sent me several lyrics and with the help of Alissa’s twin sister Ashley, I went with the song “Nothing Fancy” by Dave Barnes. I chose the line in the song that says, “There’s nothing fancy bout the way I love you, but I love you as hard as I can.” I thought that line was perfect. I also included the date of their wedding in the bottom right-hand corner and their married initials in the top right-hand corner. I wanted both of these to be very subtle. Anyways they seemed to really like it and Josh and I had a great time. I love you Alissa and I hope your wedding day is nothing but perfect.


  1. tracycornett says:

    Very cute! Love the song too!

  2. That is a great piece of art! You are so very creative! When I get ready to move I need to get you to paint something for us!

  3. What a special keepsake, I love it!

  4. I love it! It was by far my fav! It means so much that you took the time to make it personal. I’m glad you guys had fun.

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