Not The Baseball Hat Full Of IceCream I Dreamed Of

 Our anniversary date was great.  I had a little pre-date melt down about wanting to see our new little boy’s face…getting our referral.  I am not a big crier…I’m good at keeping it together usually.  Not sure what the deal was, but had quite the mini cry fest that afternoon.

And I am completely and totally aware that there are a million other moms and dads out there waiting for their kiddo(s) to come home as well and tons of them have been waiting much longer than we have…BUT…I’ve decided that waiting for your child to come home sucks at any stage in the adoption process.  It’s just that simple.  No one wants to wait any period of time to have their child home with them.  Our family is missing someone right now and therefore our family is not complete.  And maybe I just hit a wall…I just want my son home, so I cried.  I’m allowed to do that sometimes right?

I’m glad God understands human emotion and feelings and gets why I would be sad and can handle any little fit I throw.  I told Josh that I couldn’t wait to be on the other side of all this and to be able to look back and see how God orchestrated everything just right because I know that’s what He’s busy doing….and I like that.  I know that His timing is perfect.  So I had my cry spell and then let it go…what more could I do, plus I had a date with a baseball hat full of ice cream and a hot guy.

And then I was enormously a tad disappointed that the ballpark had NO ice cream…seriously, what ballpark does not have ice cream and served in a plastic baseball hat too?  I handled my disappointment well…kinda well…maybe said a choice a word.

They had one lonely Dippin’ Dots vendor (but his line was a mile long) and that was suppose to suffice my ice cream craving, but I did not take the bait.  I didn’t feel like chewing my ice cream that evening.  Are those little dot things even really, real ice cream?

I decided to swing for the funnel cake instead…again they only had one funnel cake vendor and I waited in line WAY.TOO.LONG.  Finally after missing too many innings waiting for that dang funnel cake, I decided to ditch the funnel cake.  I was working on keeping score and was missing too much of the game.

I finally ended up with a coke Icee, a bag of pink cotton candy and peanuts.  Not the delicious Oreo ice cream in a mini plastic Oakland As baseball hat I had dreamed of, but I made do.

Notice all those empty seats behind us and we were very close to the field and behind home plate.  We’re afraid it’s nearing the end for our Sounds…all you locals head out and see a game while you still can 🙂  or maybe it was just a slow night.

I have finished up several more orders.  This first 10×10 canvas is headed to Jill in Illinois.  She needed a special friendship canvas for a dear friend.  Thanks so much Jill and hope your friend loves it.

This 8×8 His Eye Is On The Sparrow canvas was ordered by Cari in Tennessee.  Thanks so much Cari and hope your sweet mom loves it.

This 8×10 canvas was ordered by Sarah in Tennessee as well.  Hope your mom loves her canvas as well.  Thanks so much Sarah.

This 10×10 canvas was ordered by Kody in Arkansas, but is headed to her mom also in Guam.  Not sure what is up with everybody ordering things for their mommas, but I think it is super sweet!  Hope your mom loves her special piece as well Kody.  Thanks a ton.

And lastly these key fobs are headed to Erika and Autumn both from Tennessee.  I do love Tennessee orders 🙂

Thanks so much ladies.

Thank you again for all the orders…truly, I feel blessed.  I will re-open for new orders mid-August.  Happy Thursday!

PS:  I like these 3!


  1. Dang that they don’t have ice cream in hat cups anymore! The last time I went (2 seasons ago, I think), they had it still. How in the world can they take it away?! My fam and I had quite the collection of those hats when I was little.

    And hooray to another woman who knows how to keep score! My dad taught me when I was younger, and that skill actually provided me any summer jobs and enjoyment at the ballparks. 🙂

  2. The waiting is AWFUL but the ‘not knowing’ is even worse, in my opinion. If you knew the day you were getting a referral or the day your child was coming home, it would be easier, I think. It stinks BIG TIME, though, and tears are part of the journey, for sure.

  3. Thank you for putting my exact thoughts and emotions into such well written words…..we’re also waiting for our “family portrait” to be completed….but in the meantime, I try to do everything to His glory!!

  4. “I’ve decided that waiting for your child to come home sucks at any stage in the adoption process. It’s just that simple.” … This is so true! At times during the (almost 2-year) wait for our sons to come home from Haiti I would feel guilty about expressing my feelings on my blog because I knew there were others who had waited even longer. But ANY amount of time without our children is too long. May your little one come home very soon.

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