Not For The Weak Stomached

I always have the best intentions at blogging more regularly and keeping deadlines for myself.  I would love to post at least every other day and had such high hopes to do that this week, but life just happens sometimes.  I also really wanted to re-open for orders this week, but our house has been hit with sickness and we just can’t kick it.  Harper woke up super early Monday morning with the croup, Sol and Huddy ran fevers and Huddy had the worst diarrhea I have ever seen.  If you are squeamish you probably should not have read that last part or any of the following.

  Everyone has continued to be sick all week, but since about 3 o’clock on Wednesday all hell has broken loose.  In less than 24 hours Harper has puked 10 times, Sol has puked 5 times and Hud comes in with a low 1 time.  But I must say from Josh’s description of Huddy’s one puke and the stain on Harper’s bedroom floor, I’d say he made that one puke count.  On my to-do list is to call Stanley Steamer asap once the puking has ceased.  Josh says our couch needs one of those bio-hazard signs…I concur.  Our house smells, our bedroom smells, my kids smell and I smell.  It is just not good, not good at all.  There has been puking in the bathroom, puking in our bedroom, puking at the kitchen table during dinner, puking in the bed, puking on Josh’s leg, puking on our couch and even puking outside.  While Josh was on kid duty he decided that if they were going to puke he’d rather them puke outside.  Shortly after, he said Sol hurled on the grass 🙂  And on top of that, the diarrhea has continued with all 3 kids.  Did I tell you that our house is just not a good place to be right now?  And my kids have watched more TV in the last 24 hours than they have in their lifetime, but at this point, we do what we have to do and if a movie marathon is getting it, then so be it.

  My kids are pitiful and watching Harper puke her guts up over and over and over again is just plain sad.  When she dry heaves she stomps her foot on the floor…interesting technique, but it works for her.  They are also falling asleep randomly, which is completely cute, but SO not like them at all.  All this to say, I had plans to re-open this week for new orders, that was my goal.  I was aiming for the 2nd week in April, but man-oh-man did my kiddos have other plans.  So I am completely thankful that so many of you want to order, but please be patient with me.

I have to make sure I am being a wife and mom first.  If that means missing out on some orders, then so be it.  I have to make sure I keep my priorities straight.  I was really hoping to accomplish every last thing that needed to be finished up so that I could start taking on new orders, but needless to say that did not happen this week.  So I am now a bit behind, but hoping to make up ground fast once my sick kiddos are all better.  Thank you for all the orders that everyone is wanting to place and I promise I will re-open soon to start taking those on.

I did get some things accomplished this past weekend and in between puking sessions this week.  This sweet little 8×10 canvas was ordered by Donna in Goodlettsville, Tn.  Thank you so much Donna…totally appreciate.  Hope that new grandbaby is everything and more 🙂

This next 16×20 name and scripture canvas is headed to Lindsay in South Carolina.  I have made 3 previous pieces for Lindsay’s little boys and she recently had a fourth little man.  I was so happy she came back again and was more than thrilled to make her up another canvas.  Thanks so much Lindsay and super congrats on baby Levi.

This next order was placed by Andrea in Iowa.  Andrea wanted a 18×18 Names of Jesus canvas and a 8×10 Africa Adoption canvas.  I love both of these pieces, so it was a total pleasure.  Thanks again so much Andrea for your business.

And lastly these four 8×10 Names of Jesus canvases were ordered by my sister-in-law Kim.  She needed special teacher gifts for McKinley and Jack’s teachers and I was more than happy to help.  Thanks Kim!

Also I do have a key fob giveaway up on my Pitter Patter Facebook page.  Winner gets a custom key fob of their choice and another custom key fob to share with a friend.  It’s just for today and I will draw a winner tonight at 10pm.  Thank you again so much for your business and for even reading my silly, little site.  Peace, love and Lysol.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Oh Laura! That is just too much! ha! Reminds me of something similar at my house last year…

    From one silly little blog to another =)

    Keep up the great work!!

  2. You are so funnnnnny girl… I had to laugh..not at your misfortune but I can’t remember if I ever heard the word puke used so many times in one coversation… Must have been pretty rough… here’s hoping you and Josh don’t get it… GET WELL Kelly Family… and soon… thanks for the posting. I enjoyed it as always..:)

  3. Oh my goodness. I am feeling very sorry for you and praying the sickness ends SOON!!!

  4. Laura, I am so sorry you and your family are having to go through this. we went through this last month and it was absolutely horrible. I would help you out if I lived closer! Praying your children are better soon!

  5. Thanks so much ladies. It really is quite humorous when I find myself handling simultaneous puking from 2 kiddos and then turn around and finish my pizza…maybe I have officially arrived as a mom 🙂 They will be fine and that’s good to know.

  6. So sorry your kids are that sick! Praying for a quick recovery and that you and your husband don’t get it. Good for you for being mom and wife first. 🙂

  7. hey there! i have been following your blog for some time now. heard about you from tracy cornett 😎 i am so sorry that your kiddos are all sick. you are one special momma to handle all of that!

    i love your art!!!!!! i have a very random question for you: i have always wondered how you get such beautiful lettering on your art? specifically the “levi” and “adopted” art above- you paint a variety of lovely letters. what do you use to “write” on your canvas?

    • Shelley…for all painted pieces I use acrylic paint. For other mixed media pieces, I use a variety of different mediums. Thanks for the sweet words.

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  1. […] am crossing my fingers that we aren’t about to experience The Great Stomach Flu of April 2011.  Now I’ve got to go clean some unwanted bodily fluid off the couch.  […]

  2. […] have, but every time we get a sickness it goes hardcore through our family.  You may remember our stomach flu of 2011…or our flu escapades of 2012, my fave post about it being HERE…if you need a good […]

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