
A friend pointed out this is her last year in single digits.  I typically am pretty okay with my kids getting older because big kids are my jam, but this comment took my breath a bit.  Last year in single digits.  Harper made us parents.  She was our first tiny ball of babyness.  She got all of our “what the crap are we doing”ings.  I have a hard time talking about how much I like her and how I am sooooo enjoying the lady she is turning into right before our eyes.  Like she’s a real little human with all these thoughts and emotions and feelings.  She’s going to actually remember some of the stuff going down around our house right now which makes me sweaty because we still get a lot of parenting stuff wrong.  Big time.  Deep breath.  Inhale.  Exhale.  It seems like all I ever admit to our kids is that I am wrong.  Maybe God will use this 🙂

She asked for blue waffles for her birthday breakfast.  She ate 3.  There were 9 colorful candles because rainbow is still her favorite color…with the exception of when I make her pick a color…blue it is.  And she let Amon help blow out her candles because she adores him and he adores her.

Her door was a full on color and star explosion.  It was simple when deciding on what to do for Harper’s door because she’s shiny bright.

She got a journaling Bible, new pens, Hillsong’s new CD, a devotional for “tweens” Ohmygah.  And a small stuffed fox she’s had her eye on at Joanns.  She was delighted.  Amon, our littlest and I joined her for lunch at school.  She asked for Funfetti cupcakes with rainbow chip icing.  Thank you Pillsbury and Betty Crocker.

Littlest screamed and cried almost the whole lunch.  Truthfully, on the inside I was really angry with her because I felt bad for Harper.  On the outside I smiled fake smiles and made conversation with all the surrounding 3rd graders.  Harper just rolled with it because she’s used to it.  I kind of hate that she’s used to it…but maybe it’s more…maybe it’s compassion and empathy…I’m choosing that way of thinking.

Harper requested Josh’s grilled hamburgers for dinner with strawberries and BBQ chips.  She even picked out fancy sesame seed buns 🙂  Girl knows how to do it.  Then of course there were more cupcakes and cups of rainbow sherbet with sprite.  I was quite smitten with all her choices.

There was playing outside because the weather was amazing today.  She got visits from family.  Her best little friend who lives on our street stopped by and gave her a mosaic butterfly box.  Then we ended the night crafting and watching Red Bull Soapbox Races…yes, this is a real thing and it is hilarious.

She’s past my chin now.  I think she’s going to be taller than her shortish mom.  She’s kind, colorful, creative and thoughtful.  She loves reading and running and creating and the outdoors.  I love how fiercely she loves her friends.  I love her easy going personality.

I pray for her self image all the time.  I pray she always marches to the beat of her own drum and loves who she is in Christ.  I pray she sees her worth and beauty in Him and in Him alone.  I pray she loves Jesus with her whole heart and lives a passionate life for Him.  I pray she loves mercy and justice.  I pray she is kind, loving, generous, compassionate and respectful.  I pray she always laughs wildly.

Oh Harper Kelley.  You are a gem.  I have no clue how God thought we were worthy enough to parent your amazing little self, but here we are and we are grateful.  We are so honored and humbled to be your parents.  You make every day awesome and you bring some sanity into our insane little tribe.  Thank you for being you.  Thank you for shining so bright.  We love you!


  1. Happy Birthday, Harper! It is a gift to be able to see you grow. And, you have grown! From a tiny girl when I started reading here into a beautiful 9 year old who loves life and Jesus! Your Mama need not worry, your little heart and soul are so real and so filled with love. Hugs, to you! Jo

  2. I distinctly remember my oldest turning 9, and not only were the single digits dwindling, but the reality that his childhood was halfway over settled in. I was a sobbing mess that night! He now just turned 16, and he is such an awesome kid, and I like him so much … but I can’t help but question “where in the world did the past 7 years go?” It is so crazy! I so love your posts – your honesty and raw feelings – it is so refreshing and real! Happy Birthday to your sweet girl … she is awesome!

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