Night Thoughts

**Today I found myself alone for the very first time in 2 weeks and my mind just swirled.  I kick my mornings off early with my friend Alissa almost every week day.  Some days we have to start extra early and this morning was one of them.  After our workout I still had some time at home before kiddos we’re waking up for school so I did my Bible journaling.  1 Peter has been so great.  My mind raises with all it says about suffering…I’m processing all of that slowly and cautiously.  It scares me to pray for suffering. But this morning I was caught by 1 Peter 3:4.  I loved the comparison of the ESV version and The Message.

“…but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.” ESV

“Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in.” The Message

I want that kind of beauty and character.  I want the kind of beauty and character which God delights in.


**I’m heading to Memphis Friday afternoon for an evening Bible journaling class.  I am ridiculously excited.  A) I love talking about Bible journaling because it has rocked my world B) I get to meet new people which is hard for me & class makes it easier.  And C) 2 words: Car snacks!  I love good car snacks for road trips.  I’m a lost cause people.

**I’m “reading” Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson.  I think every person should read it.  Every.Person.  I cried in Joanns today while grabbing some supplies and listening.  It made my stomach just churn the whole time and my blood pressure rise and my heart split and several times I wanted to bail.  It’s hard to listen to and it should be, but every person needs to read/hear this book.

(I checked the audio book out from the library.)

**I’ve been getting work done which is so nice.  Key fobs are out of control and I finally quit taking pictures of them.  Ha.  It felt great today to have a solid amount of time just creating.

**We are feeling the ups and downs of foster care lately.  Emotions are all over the place for just about everyone involved which is hard.  What’s crazy is the range of honest human emotions felt.  Love, compassion, empathy, anger, sadness, frustration, exhaustion, hope.  All over the place and it’s hard handling that range of emotions some days.

**Amon and I are having lots of him and me time this week while the bigs are in school and our littlest has longer visitations.  We’ve picked out new glasses for me & Solomon a birthday gift, grocery shopped, banking, post office…he’s the greatest errand running partner of all time.  I let him pick a treat the other day and he chose a large peppermint patty.  It was the cutest thing ever watching him eat it.

**And another day another tea.  Peach this time.

Josh Kelley and I are finishing up a documentary called Ride the Divide and then I’m off to bed.

Peace out Wednesday night!

 *amazon affiliate link


  1. Great book. Broke my heart but you’re right, everyone needs to read it!

  2. I am reading Just Mercy right now too and am loving it.

    Just curious… how early is extra early waking up for a work out? And I know you couldn’t have gone to bed super early bc you are a momma to 5! So how do you function on such little sleep? Endorphins and Jesus?

    • Hahahaha, well by early I mean 5:15 wake time…I know some people are at work already by then. And yes, Jesus…has to be Jesus…and maybe cookies 🙂

  3. My husband read Just Mercy in August, and said it was incredible. I just finished the Insanity of God and wow, that was awesome too! I love a good book!

  4. Just Mercy is a must read for all! Completely rocked my world; made me realize what a sheltered small world I live in.

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