Nervous Is An Understatement


The New Year is here…already leaning in tight…making its debut.  A new year always brings about such a great hope for change and newness…to take a different coarse and make it our own.  It’s exciting.  It can also be completely nerve wracking and puke inducing.  Josh Kelley and I have been starting our new year’s talks…the changes we want to make, the goals we want to achieve in 2014 and the hope we have is coming together and we’re putting some things on paper and in tangible form.

One of these things for me is craft nights.  I’m most definitely at the nerve wracking, puke inducing stage, but I cannot and will not let fear rule.  I did a big trial run for a craft night in December with 16 ladies.  I worked really hard on the night.  Trying to think through every single detail and through every single supply item 16 women would need for 2 very different crafts was not easy, but when the night ended and the ladies exited our house, I knew I had just spent the last 4 hours exactly where I was suppose to have been.  It was dreamy and I was a bit in love.

There comes a new nervousness to opening this up to people I don’t know.  People who I don’t already have a connection with.  People who don’t know my sarcasm and dry humor.  People who I’m not already friends with or who already love me for me.  And me not knowing how each of you work and tick individually as well.  I’m nervous on so many different levels and this may fail miserably…like a big huge belly flop in the deep end of the pool during adult only swim.  It just may and in fact, it’s quite possible, but if I never try then I’ll never know.  So here we go ladies and gents.

Here is your official invitation to join me for my first open-to-the-public craft night on Saturday, February 22 from 5:30-9:30 at our house.

We will do two crafts…a letter canvas and a fabric wreath (pictures posted are from some examples).  Each craft is very adaptable for each individual.  You can create the way you create…use your unique individualities.  They can be as much or as little as you desire…you can change and add and take away…create how your heart desires to create.  All supplies and instruction will be provided and there will be snacks and drinks.  All you have to do is bring yourself…and maybe a friend.  There are 12 spots available so if you are interested or have any questions please send me a message HERE.  Spots will go first come, first serve and are limited to 12 due to space.

My goal for this night is that you will have a fun evening and will walk away with two fun crafts you can do again on your own.  I loved teaching and this gives me the opportunity to get back into that element a bit.  Hope you will consider joining me for the night.

Well there you have it.  No going back now.  It’s out there and I’m just going to ride this thing out…success or fail.  Either way, I know God has something planned and I’m excited to be along for the ride.

Happy Monday!



  1. Chris Bakker says:

    Oh I would so go if I lived closer!!! But I would pay YOU to make me stuff as I am crafty challenged. I would love to just sit and chat with you! Dont be nervous at all, the women will come and love you!

  2. oh goodness i love those pieces esp the “O Holy Night” one– favorite part in that song.. b/c as moms are not just so weary? but we forget to rejoice sometimes- we stay stuck in the weary at times… LOVE. and i so wish i lived within driving distance– i would so love to learn some craftiness from you– God just dumped out a whole lot of crafty creativeness on you… 🙂 way to use it girl!

  3. Yay! This makes me so excited for you! Just puke on the fear and it’ll go away 🙂 Go Laura!!

  4. So fun! I almost want to drive to TN to come! Love the O Holy Night canvas and all of your other creations! You are awesome and this is going to be awesome!

  5. I already definitely considered making the 7 hour drive 🙂 That could be some serious quality time with a friend to chat and then to craft! Excited for you! Way to step out of your comfort zone!

  6. You go girl! Be bold in the face of your fear~~everybody knows how awesome you are and you will rock it!! We’ve never met but I’m proud of you and so excited for you too!

  7. Margie Novota says:

    It will be huge success because you are giving of yourself and you are so blessed with very unique gifts and talents!

  8. Don’t be nervous ~ it is going to be a wonderful opportunity for new friendships! 🙂 Yay! I can’t wait!

  9. Oh man, way to go! So excited for you…I have a sneaking suspicion it will be a wild success 😉 I sure hope so, because someday I would love to make the trek there from out of state for a little crafting fun!

  10. Shanna Stolte says:

    I just started doing the same thing. Our first one is on the 19th during the day. ( All my kids are in school so I can do day time stuff). My dream is to bring together women who stay home, create something together AND most importantly create relationships that will glorify Christ.
    Our first project is REALLY simple. We are making a wooden ruler growth chart. I wish I was closer so I could join you. You are such an inspiration!!
    Blessings for 2014!

  11. Oh I wish you could figure out how to do this online so that we could see you and follow along. That would be so great…we would get the supplies and follow along. Wonder what technology you would need. I know once in awhile a sewing designer has a sew along over several days which features one of the patterns she has designed. Never done it so don’t know how it works. But you will be successful with people who live close enough to drive. All your work is beautiful! I would love to learn how to make a small poster/collage to spell out love or grandchildren. But think I need to stick to sewing and learning to use my second hand bought embroidery machine that has sat in its box for 6 months.

    • Ann…this would be awesome, but right now I don’t have a way to go about this. Definitely something I can look into for the future 🙂

  12. I’m excited for you, Laura. You have no reason to doubt yourself. There will be people who don’t understand your style, but that just comes down to difference in taste, nothing to do with you. My Christmas tree was criticized this year (called “pathetic”) because it’s a primitive country style. I laughed about it because it was only a clash of styles. I wasn’t thrilled about the critics style of tree either as I’m not into glitz, so we laughed together about our differences.. The Lord has given you the ability to draw people into your world through your beautiful and unique artwork and through your posts that are filled with written honesty. I love your work and I’m sure there will be others who are excited to be part of your craft night. Have a FUN night.

  13. YAY!!! I’m so excited for you! And so proud of you for taking this major first step! As someone that loves to craft and would LOVE to be there (unfortunately we have a conflict that weekend), I think this is totally awesome! I know you will be have so much fun and the crafting will be great! Even more than all of that, I’m thankful you’re faithful to the call God has clearly placed on your heart! Totally awesome! Kudos friend!

  14. Can I get on a cancellation list???? Is love to come if someone backs out! Thanks!

  15. So fun! When you hit the road and do a craft night in Southern California, I’m all over it 🙂

  16. Trish Scott says:

    Oh goodness…..I’ve been so sick and not been keeping up with your blog. I ALWAYS read the new entries the day you send them out. Amy Huntz texted me today to see if I would want to come. OF COURSE I DID. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do another one so we can come?!?!?!?!? I have every bit of confidence in you and KNOW that you will do AWESOME!!!! PS: I really want to come to one where you teach how to do a canvas like the initial canvas you are going to do in February. Hint hint!!!!!

  17. YAY!!!!!!
    So glad you are taking this leap, but super bummed I can’t be there. I am 8 hours away. But…..if you have another one hopefully I can come down and get my crafting on, and also visit some family 🙂
    Do not be nervous……….It’s going to be great!!!!!!

  18. I am in Chattanooga and we are also adopting from ET. Would love to drive up for a class (esp this one) if you have a spot open up!! I am from Franklin, so you are near my old stomping grounds 🙂 Love your work!

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