More Vacation

We ended up only getting to play on the beach twice and our second trip was a bit shorter.  There may have been some sandblasting of the legs on our 2nd trip…my legs are very exfoliated now, but we were determined to be at the beach as long as we could.

Josh ended up seeing the rain coming in the distance and we made a mad dash for the car…extremely sandy and wet and cold…running like mad.  A towel escaped, along with a car sand toy and one of our small children, who shall remain nameless, took off after it in the parking lot.  All the while another small child of ours, got hit in the head when the wind blew the car door shut, while a parent was chasing down the child who took off after the towel and sand toy.  It was very funny after the fact.

We headed back to Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom’s after some lunch and a trip to Walmart.

Fun Fact About Ft. Walton Beach:  There Walmart is C.R.A.Z.Y.  Seriously, the craziest, busiest Walmart I have ever seen.

We spent the rest of the day curled up watching movies in Uncle Tom’s (my kids affectionately call him Baba) movie room…it is crazy, awesome.  Harper’s favorite movie choice during vacation was Mary Poppins.  She is a sing songy kind of kid, so Josh and I were not surprised.

The rest of our vacation was full of Tropical Storm Lee, rain, rain and more rain, but no worries from the Kelley crew.  We checked out one of the million touristy Florida shops…AKA Alvin’s Island.  The kids got their sword fight on in the store and loved the rock selection.  We came to the conclusion that the store deliberately placed all the play swords right across from all those awesome souvenir mugs and shot glasses…you break it, you buy it.

The kids played an extremely interesting game of “Guess The M&M” with Aunt Linda (affectionately called Nina).  She completely made the game up, but contestants were rewarded with M&Ms, so it equaled lots and lots of fun.  And if you didn’t know better, you would have thought it was a real game.

We attempted to make it to the beach one more time.  It went a little like this…Drove to the beach and headed out…

Didn’t even touch the sand and down came the rain and whoosh went the wind and everyone took off running back to the car.  Baba was the only one who actually touched sand that day.

Our evening was spent with homemade pizza (which Nina cuts with scissors…I was very perplexed by this) and cosmic bowling.

My Uncle Tom (Baba) even got us all a free game of bowling because one of his past students was working and gave him free passes.  How fun is that?  And it was cosmic bowling…I LOVE cosmic bowling and so did the kids.  This was their first time to bowl and they pretty much rocked.

The giant crane candy machine probably had something to do with their excitement as well…heck, I was excited about the candy crane too.

Everyone was a bit tired, but oddly enough, my kids don’t get mean when they are tired, they just get loopy.  We always know when Sol is tired because he is extremely clumsy, like has a hard time standing, and this was one of those nights…they were just a bit wacky, but had a very good time.

And some how, some how, Huddy beat me.  I didn’t even realize it until we got back home and I had a chance to look at the pictures.  Maybe it had something to do with all the wrangling of loopy kids, while keeping them out of the people’s lane next to us and making sure no one got their fingers or toes smashed with a bowling ball along with all the “dazed and confused” lighting, while rocking out to some 90s music…maybe that was it…at least that’s what I’m going to keep telling myself.

No one should get beat by their 2-year-old at bowling…no one.  A re-match is in the works.

Happy Thursday!


  1. I used to work in an in home daycare and we had ‘kitchen scissors’ and we always used them to cut pizza, toast, whatever! It’s easier and way more fun!

  2. My husband does the scissors thing with his pizza and I think it is WEIRD!!! I make fun of him every time – in love of course 🙂

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