Love & Patience & Rolling With It

Amon is cray!  He is by far our wildest and craziest and most energetic and busiest toddler we’ve ever had.  And probably the happiest.  He is so much fun and yet, so frustrating at times too.  Then throw in the whole “lack of communicating” thing and sometimes things get a bit wonky around here.

My kids fight.  They can throw down with the best of them, but I will give them this…they are all so very loving and patient with Amon.  They humor this kid.  And they love him fiercely.  And I’m pretty thankful I get to see their love and siblingship (totally made that word up) first had.

Amon is a giant ball of joy, but sometimes that joy and energy are hard to reign in…like while watching a show.  But my big guys…my dudes who display patience like Abraham…they love their littlest brother and just roll right along with it.

Doesn’t everyone want their eyelashes plucked?

Oh, hey Hudson.  Totally forgot you were over here.

If only he hadn’t flopped off the side of the couch and I could have continued this long photo saga 🙂

Happy Thursday!


  1. Aunt Tootsie says:

    Laura, this made us laugh out loud, needed it!

  2. This is good stuff right here! Thanks for the giggle! 🙂

  3. These completely crack me up! What awesome big brothers!!

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