Kirkland’s Art Contest

Recently I received an email from my cousin Jenny (thanks Jenny) informing me of an art contest Kirklands is hosting. You submit a digital photograph of any medium of art you have created. Winning the contest not only gets you a grand prize of $5000, but also offers you the opportunity to have your art reproduced for sale in their stores. So why not give it a shot? What’s it going to hurt? All entries are due by October 1st, so now I am asking you to vote on a favorite art piece. Below are two paintings that I feel might be different enough to catch an eye, so place your vote in the comments area. Which do you choose A or B?




  1. Hey laura,
    I think my vote is for A. I like it for the size (more rectangle) and I think it’s more interesting.
    Good luck! I sure hope you win. That would be exciting to have your picture for sale at Kirklands.
    Good luck!
    Love you and will see you in less than 2 weeks!

  2. A. Love it!

  3. I left a comment and I guess it disappeared. I’ll try again. I think I like A because I think it’s more interesting, I like the colors, and I like the rectangular shape better for some reason.
    I was just looking at your flickr art and I LOVE the Carleigh picture with the Bible verse under it.
    It’s less than 2 weeks now! I can’t wait!
    Love you

  4. Like B the best, simple but stunning, good luck!

  5. There two are my favorite!!!

  6. Jen Vaudrey says:

    I like A best. I think it’s the blue background with it all! Love you, Jen

  7. I vote for B. All of your work is beautiful though!!

  8. I LOVE B – but A is GREAT too! So either would be great choices, both very visually interesting & cheery. And OMG I LOVE how your “Carleigh” turned out – Sarah gotten it yet?

  9. I like A. I don’t know why – just going with the gut reaction. K

  10. Aunt Tootsie says:

    Laura, they are both great, but I vote for B because it’s not quite as busy, A is more simple, like me.
    This was too hard a decision! Love you.

  11. I like B. Simple

  12. I really like them both, great colors and great energy! I pick “B”. Good Luck!

  13. This was tough…but I’m going with B. Both are awesome!

  14. peachyperspective says:

    i love both! eeney, meeny, miney,… A!

  15. Definitely A.

  16. A! I say A. It has a uniqueness.

  17. (A)Both are beautiful. I like the blue background in (A) though.

  18. Ashley Goss says:

    I like A, but you really can’t go wrong with either one.

  19. Ashley Goss says:

    hey so i just asked my friend richard and he likes A too.

  20. A from Me. Love you!

  21. My vote…A

  22. I’m going to go aginst the grain and say B. I like the simplicity of it.

  23. I’m going with A although I love them both…

    I have a toy room calling your name!!! 🙂

  24. A. Definitely A.

  25. Great job, Laura! I vote A.

  26. I love both. It is a very hard choice. I am leaning toward A b/c there are more colors to work with as far as decorating goes. WHen I look at buying a painting, I want a painting with lots of colors b/c I change the colors in my house often.
    But Laura, you can’t go wrong. both painting are great!!!

  27. Ashley Goss says:

    Hey,so my friend david likes the second one

  28. A. Rocks!

  29. I vote for B. Good Luck!! YOu have great work.

  30. A. It grabs you and keeps you looking at the details!

  31. I vote for A. Love your stuff!!

  32. They are both awesome, but I think my vote is A!

  33. I’m a fan of A.

  34. angel hartzler says:

    my vote is for B!!

  35. I really like A.

  36. Bill Brasky says painting A, definitely A! You don’t want to disagree with Bill, just ask Angela Landsbury!

  37. A – both are great pieces, but seems like A will reach a larger demographic if selling at Kirklands (more colors if someone is trying to match a piece to a particular space). I actually think your floral pieces (in your Sept 9th) post would appeal to a larger audience in a Kirklands-type retail oulet.
    (I personally love your Sept 6th post paintings…you should try to contract with baby/toddler boutique stores, these pictures would be perfect for those decorating a new nursery.)

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