Kind Words

My Mawmaw always told my mom and in turn my mom always told me, “There is the power of life and death in your words.” And I will teach this to my children as well.  Recently I was having kind of a bad day…you know just one of those “haven’t had time to shower, crazy children, where did the time go and what exactly have I done all day” kind of days.  That’s when my phone rang and a friend of mine, Courtney said that her, her mom Sandra and Courtney’s grandfather Big Daddy were in our driveway and wanted to come in and visit.  I said sure and quickly threw off my pajama pants and at least put on some jeans before they made it to the door.  Well it ended up that this visit was the little pick-me-up I needed.  Sandra had never been to our house and she said the kindest and most complimentary things about our house, Harper and Hud and me.  Josh and I have known Sandra and Courtney and the rest of their family for a long time and we consider them such sweet, sweet, fun people.  While they were here Courtney mentioned that Sandra loves the hymn Love Lifted Me and we were talking about a piece I did a while back for my own mom using some of these lyrics.  Well after they left I could not stop thinking about what Sandra’s sweet words did for my day and decided that I needed to thank her.  So I made her this 5×7 mixed media piece and dropped it in the mail to let her know the power her words had on me.  Thanks so much Sandra!


  1. Laura,
    I love these cards that you make. I still have the one you made for Tom when he was recovering from surgery. I use it as a picture in my bookcase and think of you everytime I see it. You are such a thoughtful niece! (& talented)
    Love you,
    A. L.

  2. Your mom told me to look on here because you had written something about my mom. You make me sick with how thoughtful you are. Tell Josh I said hello. The babies are beautiful. Dont worry, your mom keeps me up with what’s going on in their everyday life. Enjoy your stay with the Kelly’s.

    God Bless,


  3. Courtney Oldham says:

    Laura, you are so sweet and everything my mom said was true!! We love you and your family to death! Hope to see you soon!


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