Incognito Friday

Too happy it is Friday.  The giveaway for this 8×10 canvas is still going on over at WorthyOfThePrizeCLICK HERE and enter to win.  All you have to do is leave a comment to be entered, but there are several other ways to get extra entries.  Check it out.  Giveaway ends Tuesday night at midnight.

I’ve been a key fob making machine the last few days.  This first order is headed to Suzanne in Cleveland, Tn.  Thanks so much Suzanne and hope the girls love them.

This large order is headed to Lori in North Carolina.  Lori asked me to pick all the fabrics and I was too excited to do that.  I chose lots of my favorites.  Thanks so much Lori…completely appreciate it.


And not sure where my kids have gone, but these cuties have been in their place almost the whole day.  Seems fake mustaches are all the rage at the Kelley house.

Glad I could pass on the love of a good mustache to my children…peace, love and mustaches.

Happy Friday!


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