I’m A Bit Tired

We’re in the countdown phase.  Harper has it down and reminds me everyday how many days we have left.  I like her!  I am averaging 3-5 hours of sleep each night.  My sleep sucked anyways, but now throw all the preparation and emotion in the mix and now it’s consistently sucky 🙂

We finally got our shots.  Last time around I was very impressed with this clinic…this time not so much.  We waited 40 minutes past our appointment time in the waiting room…and the majority of the time, we were the only people in the waiting room.  I was a little confused…oh, and no one coming out either.  And we had all 3 wee Kelleys.  The boys got a little restless.

Harper took her shot like a champ.

And got sweet kisses from Dad…dang you, back of Sol’s head.

I took my shots like a champ too.  Josh did as well, but had to take his shirt off, so no pics.  I didn’t invite you to the gun show 🙂

We have been spending lots of time with Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom.  They’ve been keeping the wee Kelleys while I run errands.  I am so much faster with out 3 little ones in tow.

Today I was a mad woman…running one million errands…crossing things off my to-do list like crazy.  I found a Crayon Gem at Target that is literally one giant crayon…like baseball to softball size.  It was giant and crazy and seemed a bit too much to me.  But I did think it was quite amusing.

And I may have praised the Lord when I found this new extra fine tip Sharpie pen…no bleed!!!!!  PTL.  My favorite pen, easy, is the extra fine tip Sharpie, but they always bleed through my paper…not anymore.  Awesomeness!

I couldn’t believe these items were in my cart.  The pacis are just so so little…I’m going to be changing diapers again…tiny, itty bitty clothing will be in my laundry again.  Eeeek + Yah! = Grand.

I did some picture printing today too.  I gathered all of our “Waiting for you” pics…well over 100 of them.  LOVE this CD.

And I got my Polaroid camera in the mail today.  I’ve been wanting one for forever.  Just think how much fun it will be to use with all the sweet kiddos we will meet next week?  I hope they love all the pictures we will leave with them.

When I opened it up…myself, Aunt Linda, Uncle Tom and Josh all burst into laughter.  It is the biggest camera I have ever seen.  Ginormous.  It’s so big, it looks like a fake camera…like it might squirt water in your face 🙂  IT.IS.HUGE!  But I am totally keeping it.  There are way too many pictures I want to take this coming week and leave in Ethiopia.

And how sweet is this?  All my aunts and uncles got together this week…their first time without Mom.  I received this picture in my email from my Aunt Linda!  They are too, too fun.

Now I’m off to get started packing.  That made my stomach turn 🙂  We’re almost there…almost!

Happy Thursday.

PS:  Our big celebratory giveaway is still going on.  6 Winners and 6 Prizes to Share 🙂


  1. So exciting! I hope y’all have an amazing trip. Grant and I will be praying the whole time! Let me know if you need some boys clothes…Garrett is outgrowing everything so fast! Good luck!

  2. I am so excited for you! I am still praying for you and your family!!

  3. Praying for yu to find rest even when you can’t sleep. I am so excited to read about Harper’s thoughts on Ethiopia and her new brother!
    Every time I see anything with a mustache I think of you.

  4. jeanine says:

    So exciting! The preparation is so fun and I’m soooooo glad you are getting to share this special time with your Aunt Linda. I look forward to your posts . . . .oh, and, get some sleep. You’re about to get a lot less 😉

  5. So exciting!!!! Give Harper a hug for me, that poor little face! 🙂

  6. SOOOO excited for you ALL!! Can not believe how much your Aunt looks like your Mom Laura!! I want one of those cameras..What a cool idea!! Leaving pics!! Got to have one!! Praying for you all!!
    I love you all, Melody

  7. Michelle wray says:

    I am so excited for you and your family! LOVE your polaroid camera. It made me laugh

  8. Kendra Christiansen says:

    This whole post makes me smile- but as a fellow “almost” teacher, which of whom LOVES the Sharpie marker pens….is STOKED about the “no bleeds”. Boom.

  9. first, i laughed so hard about the whole camera thing. the giant camera. the way you talked about it. laughed out loud, waking up the sleeping hubs. 🙂 the kids are just going to light up when they see that they can keep the photos! second, how much fun are they with their mustaches, and your uncle wearing his own ‘stache!
    third, so freaking exciting for you… ahh!! ethiopia and itty bitty boy, you are almost there!!

  10. Cousin Rhonda says:

    Love the polaroid camera….but….can you even get film for those things anymore???? Love the picture of all the sibs, I’ve already printed one and it’s on the fridge! So excited for you…will be 4 wee ones very soon!

  11. So excited for you…I can hardly stand it!!!

  12. Marianne says:

    I love all the pictures! You are and will continue to be in my prayers until that sweet baby is home with you guys!

  13. Aunt Toots says:

    So excited for you, Josh & wee Kelleys. Happy Harper is going to get to go, what an experience for a 5 year old! Take and post lots of pictures. Big camera: nice way to build big “muskles”.

  14. This definitely makes the trip prep for my trip way less stressful. You’re taking everybody with you! Yikes–but how wonderful. So happy for you and look forward to the upcoming posts and pics of your new little one.

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