Ice Cream Cone Craft

I noticed this quote on our chalkboard this morning.  And this is just one of the many reasons why I kind of dig Josh Kelley.

The superheros are endless.  Do you hear me?  Endless.  They are everywhere & I must admit, I may be coming around a bit to them.  They just make my boys, just so boyish.  And I do love that.

Today the boys had the best Pez they have ever had.  Thanks Courtney for loving my kids so well.

And why yes, Harper is photo bombing with Green Lantern’s twin Pez dispenser.

Stamp sets make for at least a good 1/2 hour of fun.  The wee Kelleys are stampin’ fools.  I think it’s the self inking 🙂

Our friend Jonathan, Brea’s husband, is headed to Nicaragua this summer.  They are doing a little fundraiser to help raise the last bit of money.  One of my 12×12 Names of Jesus canvases is up for grabs.  Head over and enter to win several great prizes for just $5.

This girl makes my heart skip.  I want to freeze her right where she is.  Her personality is really taking shape and I just really like her…like a lot.

And today we did our weekly planned craft.  We rocked out some pretty awesome ice cream cones 🙂

Here’s what we used:  Traced cones, ice cream layers and cherries, glue, scissors, glitter, sequins & pompoms.

First, the wee Kelleys cut out all their paper ice cream pieces.

(I love Huddy’s tongue of concentration.)

Next they glued their ice cream cone together.

Sol looks quite miserable, but he really does love to craft 🙂

Next I let Harper start decorating her ice cream with “sprinkles”, while I drew the lines on the boys’ cones with glue.

Then I let them go glitter crazy.

Harper was up next for glitter and the boys got started “sprinkling up” their ice cream.

And once everyone had decorated their cones exactly as they wanted, they called it quits.  I like them a lot!

And there you have it…another fun & easy craft.

Hope you’re having a great week…the weekend is so close.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Kristin Chadwick says:

    Love your new canves!! Also love the quote, and the adorable ice cream cones!!

  2. You are 1 fun Momma!!!

  3. I think we might make these cones tomorrow. Which will likely lead to a completely appropriate field trip to the ice cream shop.

  4. A really fun project!!! You must have to stoop and squeeze your wee Kelleys a zillion times a day. They’re so cute.

  5. Rebecca ross says:

    Natalie just said, “that’s pretty! Which one is Harper’s?” She’s in a crafting mood now 🙂 . Will you come lead us in craft?

  6. It looks like a really fun family project. I did a piece of art that was inspired by a piece you did recently and I just wanted to show you. You’ve been a great inspiration to me in your art, adoption process and the way you approach life even after your recent tragedy. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

  7. I’m the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your ice cream project! You can see it here:

    If you have other kid friendly crafts, we’d love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a wonderful fun idea!

  8. oh, how funny! I read your blog all the time & was looking on pinterest for ice cream party crafts for my girls’ birthday & lo and behold, I ended up here. How fun. 🙂


  1. […] Ice Cream Cones with all the fixins from Pitter Patter Art […]

  2. […] Pitter Patter Art rocks out some pretty awesome ice cream cones […]

  3. […] Beginner construction paper ice cream cone crafts for preschool kids involves decorating construction paper ice cream cut-outs with glitter, sequins, stickers and pom poms. It is a great summer craft. […]

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