I Like To Pull Teeth

Fun fact about me…I like to pull teeth.  Not just anyone’s teeth, but my oldest nephew Cooper’s (9 yrs old) and my oldest niece Campbell’s (7 yrs old).  Weird, I know, but I have actually pulled all of their teeth, except Coop had one that just came out on it’s own once.  I really like that I’m the one they come to for teeth pulling.  But what I really love is that they trust me enough to let me reach into their mouth with a tissue and come out with a tooth.  Cooper is a pretty random decider on when he wants the tooth out.  Like one time he decided it was time for the tooth to come out while sitting on the top of his mom’s van watching fireworks for 4th of July…totally random, but I obliged and pulled that tooth right out on the roof of a van.  Campbell is definitely a planner.  She decides today is the day and by golly that tooth will be out by the end of the day, no matter how bad it hurts.  She is seriously one tough kid.  So I pulled another tooth yesterday for Campbell…we usually try to get pictures, but yesterday’s tooth really hurt, so she wasn’t up for pictures.  I have seen tooth pillows out and about and thought it was time I give some a shot.  So what perfect recipients than Coop and Campbell.  The pillow is roughly 8×8 and has a ribbon to hang from a door knob or anywhere you may choose.  The smallest square on the front is a pocket to put the tooth in and then the tooth fairy can leave goodies in its place.  Now I’m not sure if Cooper will be too cool, but I made it as cool as I could for a 9-year-old, but he knows he can tell me the truth, so if he doesn’t like it, you may see this in the “Items Available Now” section.  Campbell will love hers.  Simply put, she loves anything girly and crafty, so I know she will be tickled pink.  Let me know if your little missing tooth kiddo needs one.


  1. Julie Shaver says:

    Oh my Gosh, Laura! I thought I designed this pillow! I envisioned it and was going to have someone make one for my boys (since I don’t sew). Great minds!!!! 🙂 How much are they?

  2. So cute! Good to know you are in the tooth pulling business-I’m afraid of loose teeth! I’ll be driving Drew to your house in a few years!

  3. pillows are cute but all the tooth-pulling talk really grosses me out! yuck!

  4. I’m with Kim. The sound of a root breaking while a tooth is coming out literally makes me want to vomit. I can’t even been in the same room with one of my kids when it is time for their teeth to be pulled. I think I’m getting sick just thinking about it.

    Pillows are precious!

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